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Type Of Relationship Chaotic yet adorable

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Type Of Relationship
Chaotic yet adorable. Hoshi would do anything for Mila and vice versa, but if these 2 are in a chaotic mood, you will not be able to calm them down. They often create choreography together and are such a wholesome duo when they want to be. Mila looks up to Hoshi for his dancing abilities, and aspires to be able to dance at his level some day, she simps for him, hard.

Memorable Moment
I stand in the middle of the practice room as my new song 'Do Or Die' blasted through the speakers. I was releasing the song in 3 weeks, and still didn't have much of the choreography planned, the company said that I have the experience to create it myself, but I was stuck. As I was going over the moves that I had already made, there was a knock on the practice room door. I look over as it opens, revealing Hoshi.
"Are you okay? What are you doing?" He asks as he closes the door behind him and walks towards me.
"I'm trying to make choreography for my song, but it's not going well." I laugh.

"Well, show me what you've done already, I'll help." He suggests and i nod my head in agreement, needing some constructive criticism and help with this dance.
As I finished dancing to the first verse, which was the only part I had choreographed so far, Hoshi came over to give his advice.
"I think it's good! But instead of opening the song just standing up, maybe you could kneel down or sit down? Do you have backup dancers?" He asks and I nod my head.
"Good! So maybe you could even have them all sitting and lying down around you and then you open the song from the floor?" He suggests and I agree, loving the sound of the idea.
"I also think that with the chorus you should make the choreo hit hard, since that will fit the song." He says as he gets slightly excited and overfilling with ideas.

After around 2 hours of practicing, we finally finished the whole song, and we decided to record it in order to show the other dancers at our next rehearsal, and Hoshi danced as the dancers behind me.
"This is going to be really cool with everyone around you." He says as we finish the recording, highfiving me as the two of us pant in exhaustion.
"I hope so, I really want this song to do well." I laugh.

"It definitely will, you'll be great. We need to make choreography together more often, this was really fun." He says and I agree, the 2 of us making our way out of the practice room and back to the dorms.

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