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Type Of Relationship Cute and quiet

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Type Of Relationship
Cute and quiet. These 2 have a subtle, but great love for each other. They often hang in each others rooms and game for hours, and they find comfort in each others company. Very affectionate around each other, and they love to cuddle every chance they get.

Memorable Moment
Gaming Stream
"Hi! We're going to be playing minecraft with Wonwoo, since he's never played before and wanted to give it a try." I laugh as I talk to the Twitch chat. The company had let us branch out with other activities, and when I suggested creating a Twitch channel, they agreed in order to help promote the group.
"I've really never played before, I know what to do but I've never played." He laughs from next to me.
"Well that's why we're going to teach you today!"

"No don't run towards the creeper! You've got to run away from it, it blows up!" I shout as the creeper blows up and kills him.
"I didn't know! I thought it was a snake!" He laughs.
He respawns and runs back to the cave to grab his stuff, only to be continuously hit by a zombie, which he eventually kills after a while of struggling.

"How do I make a house?" He asks as he had by now gathered wood and other resources that he needed to make a house. After explaining the basics, he had finally made a small wooden box with a door and a bed which he now stood in, unsure what to do next.
"Now what do I do? Have I completed the game?" He asks and I burst out laughing.
"No! But I don't think you'll be able to to be honest, you could barely make a house, maybe we can finish the game another time." I laugh.
"It was fun though, we definitely have to play it again, I think I understand now." He says and I agree.

We finally decided to finish off the stream and end, and I shut down my computer.
"I'm sorry if the content was a bit bad, I was confused throughout." He laughs quietly.
"No don't say that, it was good! Even if you were kind of bad at the game the content will still be good!" I laugh, which makes him feel better.
"Cool, well it was fun either way, I might buy the game and train to be better than you." He laughs before walking out of my room.

Mila Moon - Seventeen 14th Member [2]Where stories live. Discover now