Chapter 7 : Hotel sleepover

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Chapter 7

The next day...    

Riker POV

So today we went to the movies and it was ok, but kind of boring. We went out to dinner after, and then we went back to our hotel and I was not ready for what dad and Stormie had planned.

"Ok kids, so Mark and I are going to go out on a date tonight, so you kids get to have a sleepover in one of the hotel rooms," Stormie said.

"Yes! No parents for a whole night!?" Rocky asked.

"No parents. But we'll be across the hall later if you need us," Stormie said.

"Riker, go get your stuff from our room," dad said.

Dad followed me to our room. I sat down on my bed and sighed.

"Do I really have to sleep in their room tonight?" I asked.

"Yes, you really have to. I'm sure if you just have an open mind, you'll have fun."

I rolled my eyes and packed everything up in my suitcase again. I was so annoyed that I didn't even say bye to dad, I just walked out of the room to Stormie's room.

Stormie left and almost immediately, Rocky, Ross, and Ryland started being loud and crazy.

"Guys! Don't yell! We'll get in trouble with the hotel!" Rydel said.

"But we get to party tonight!" Ross said.

"Why don't you pick a movie to watch?" Rydel said, throwing the remote to Ross.

I sighed and sat down on one of the beds. Rydel sat down next to me.

"Are you ok?" Rydel asked.

"Yeah, I guess. Just tired," I mumbled.

Ross picked a movie and put it on. But it was hard to even watch it because Rydel's brothers were just talking and laughing the whole time. I just decided to go on my phone for a while.


Riker POV

It was getting late and all of Rydel's brothers had fallen asleep on one bed. But me and Rydel were still up and there was still a movie playing.

"You've barely said anything all night. Are you sure you're ok?" Rydel asked, quietly.

I sighed and then covered my face with my hands because I felt tears forming in my eyes.

I felt Rydel's arms around me in a gentle hug, and that only made me cry harder.

"Come on. We shouldn't wake up my brothers. Let's go out into the hall," Rydel said.

She took my hand and led me outside. We sat on the top step of the staircase.

"Now, what's going on? Why are you so upset?" Rydel asked.

"Because I just don't like anything that's going on! I don't want my dad to date, I don't want siblings, and I want my parents to get back together again!"

Rydel put her arm around me and started rubbing my back.

"I know. Change is hard. But sometimes it has to happen whether you like it or not."

"Ok but maybe it doesn't have to happen. If I could just visit my mom and talk to her, I think I could convince her to get back together with my dad."


"Yeah. My dad doesn't think so because she was an alcoholic but I think he's wrong."

"Well I mean I guess you could try, but if it doesn't work, I really think you should give the idea of having us as your family a chance."

I wiped the tears off my cheeks and just stared down the stairs. And then I heard footsteps. Dad and Stormie appeared at the bottom of the stairs and started walking up.

"What are you guys doing here?" Stormie asked.

"Yeah, what happened? Are you ok, Riker?" Dad asked.

I didn't even know what to say. No, I'm not ok. None of this is ok. But there's nothing I can do about it.

After a minute of silence, Stormie and Rydel went back to their rooms and dad sat down on the step next to me.

"Riker, what's going on?" Dad asked.

"I don't feel like talking about it."

"Why not?"

"Because you're just going to be mad at me."

"Riker, please just tell me. Is this about your mother again?"

"I don't want to tell you."

Dad sighed.

"I won't be mad. Please just tell me what's bothering you."

"I don't want you getting married. I don't want siblings. I don't want Stormie to be my mom. I want mom to get back together with you. And I want you to let me visit mom in Florida. And I want you to stop forcing me to hang out with Stormie's kids. It's awkward and I just don't fit in with them."

"I get it. Change is hard."

"Stop saying that. Rydel already said that earlier."

"I get that you don't like it. But sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do."

"Can't you just let me go visit mom? Please?"

"Fine. You can visit her. But don't get your hopes up. She might still be an alcoholic."

"I think it's going to go better than you expect. Can I please not sleep in the same room with Stormie's kids?"



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