Chapter 19 : Pretending to be a family

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Chapter 19

The next day...   

Riker POV

This morning I woke up to mom and dad making waffles together for breakfast. I was sort of pretending in my mind that they were married again and we were just a happy family.

Mom took me out for lunch after I got dressed and ready for the day and cleaned up from breakfast.

"Riker, I want to apologize again for what happened when you visited me."

"It's fine mom."

"No, it's not. I want to make things right. To be honest, I don't even really remember the night you came and visited. Can you tell me your point of view?"

"Ok um... Well you forgot to pick me up from the airport so I walked to your apartment. You let me in and we talked for a bit. And then your boyfriend came over. He was smoking and he got drunk too. He started throwing empty beer bottles at me. I got cuts from the broken glass on my hands, arms, and legs. Oh and a cut on my forehead too... So I left."

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, mom. I'm fine. Seriously."

"I just feel so bad about everything. I've already lost so many years with you. I don't want to lose any more time."

"Well... Have you talked with dad about it?"

"He doesn't exactly trust me."

"It's just because he doesn't know if you're serious about staying sober."

"Well I hope I can show him that I am."

Someone came over to take our lunch orders. I was glad at least that dad let her take me out to lunch alone. And I kind of think maybe it's a good thing that she's staying with us at our house. Maybe it'll be easier for her to prove to him that she's really serious about this.

"Riker, I don't know how long I'm going to be staying here for, but while I'm here, I'd really like to get to know you and your dad better and spend time with you guys."

"I'd like that too. But what should we do?"

"Well your father mentioned maybe going out to dinner later tonight. Maybe there's something else we could all do together, like see a movie. Or we could have our own movie night right at home if you'd prefer that. We can do whatever you'd like, Riker."

I smiled. I'm becoming more and more excited about this whole thing. But I also do sort of feel slightly guilty for what I said to Rydel yesterday.

I mean, I just don't want to mislead her and make her think that dad's definitely going to propose to Stormie if there's a possibility that he's going to get back together with mom instead.

And the more time I spend with mom, the more I want him to get back together with her and the more I'm starting to think that it might actually happen.


Riker POV

This was literally the best day ever.

After lunch with mom, we went back home. I watched some tv in the living room while they talked for a while in the kitchen. I wasn't really paying attention to what they were talking about, but I heard them laughing in there, which I'm taking as a really good sign.

Instead of going out for dinner and a movie, we actually stayed home. Dad barbecued for dinner and then we had our own little movie night in the living room.

Mom made popcorn and dad got out the drinks. I got to sit in between both of them on the couch the whole time.

It was just absolutely perfect. It was like we were actually a family again.

After, mom tucked me into bed. And I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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