Chapter 11 : First night away

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Chapter 11

The next day...   

Riker POV

Dad had some kind of business trip thing so he asked me if I would be ok staying at Stormie's house for a few nights, and I said it was ok. If he's going to marry her and we're going to all live together, I should just get used to it now.

So I was in the car on the way to their house right now.

When we got there, dad wanted to talk to Stormie before he left, so he came to their front door with me.

Dad knocked and Stormie answered the door.

"Riker, how are you feeling?" Stormie asked.

"A little bit better," I said, quietly.

"Good. You can go inside. Someone can show you to the guest room."

I hugged dad goodbye and went inside.

"Hey, Riker!" Rydel said, hugging me.


"My mom told me what happened to you. Are you ok?"

"I'm still kind of sore. But yeah, I'm ok."

"I'll show you to the guest room."

She took my suitcase for me. I followed her upstairs.

"So I don't know if you remember this, but my room is right across the hall, and Rocky, Ross, and Ryland's room is down the hall. Also the bathroom and our playroom is down the hall too."

I sat down on the bed that I would be sleeping in for the next few days.

"You look really tired," Rydel said.

"I am. Sorry."

"No, don't be sorry. If you want to take a nap, take a nap. Dinner isn't for another hour or two. I'll wake you up when it's ready."

"Ok, thanks."

Rydel left, so I got under the covers. I was really thankful that I could just rest. I'm already nervous enough to be here alone for a few days without dad to save me. I just need to take it easy. I'm still healing from the glass.


Riker POV

So Rydel didn't wake me up for dinner like she said she would because Stormie told her to let me sleep. So now I was downstairs with just Stormie, eating dinner. She was sitting at the kitchen table with me to keep me company while I ate.

"How are all your cuts?" Stormie asked.

"Better, but still sore."

"You should put on new bandages so they don't get infected."

"Could you possibly help me?"


I finished my dinner and then went upstairs with Stormie. She helped change my bandages and clean my cuts. They didn't really sting this time.

"Are you heading to bed now?" Stormie asked.

"Yeah. I'm tired."

"Ok. My room is down the hall on the right if you need anything."

"Ok, thanks."

I went to my room and I think Stormie went to hers. And then I snuck across the hall to Rydel's room. She was sitting on the floor, painting her nails.

"Hey, could we talk for a second?" I asked, quietly.

"Sure," Rydel said, smiling at me.

I sat down across from her.

"So this is a secret so you can't tell anyone. But my dad told me I have a secret mission while I'm here for a few days."

"Oh? What's this secret mission?"

"You have to promise me you won't tell your mom or your brothers."

"I promise."

"My dad wants to marry your mom."


"Yeah. But you can't tell!"

"Are you ok with it?"

"Yeah, after everything that went down in Florida, I'm ok with it now. My mind is open to the possibility that it might end up working out better than I think. So anyways, this is the secret mission. I don't know when he's planning on proposing, but in order to propose, he needs a ring. So he asked me to ask you to help me steal one of your mom's rings so he can use it to get the proper size ring."

"I can definitely do that. I know where she keeps all her jewelry. I'll sneak in later tonight when she's asleep and get it for you. This is so exciting! I can't believe this is happening! How is he planning to propose?"

"I don't know yet. He hasn't really planned anything. Getting the ring was the first step to this whole thing."

"This is so exciting! I can hardly believe it!"

"Just don't tell anyone."

"I promise, I won't."

"I'm going to head to bed, so if you get the ring tonight, just give it to me in the morning, ok?"

"Sure. Night, Riker."


I went back to my room, got changed into my pjs, and got into bed. First day here, done. Just a few more days until dad gets back and I can go back home. 

It's not that I don't like it here. It's just that I feel better when dad's around.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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