Chapter 14 : Nighttime nerves

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Chapter 14


Riker POV

I don't know why, but again, I felt kind of nervous while I was trying to fall asleep. And I'm worried about getting another nightmare and waking everyone up again.

So after a while of just laying in bed, worrying, I got up and quietly walked down the hall to Stormie's room. Luckily for me, she was still awake.

"Riker, what are you still doing up?" She asked, putting her book down.

"Sorry, I guess I'm just feeling anxious again."

"Don't be sorry. What's wrong, honey?"

"I think it's just that I'm away from my dad."

"Come here."

I sat on the edge of her bed and she put her arm around me.

"Is there anything I can do that would make you feel better?"

"I don't know. I've just never really been away from him before. I just feel really... alone..."

"Honey, you're not alone. I promise. Have you talked to your dad since he dropped you off?"

"Yeah, we texted a little bit earlier. I thought it would help, but I guess it didn't."

"I think we need to get your mind off of your nerves."

Stormie moved over and lifted the covers for me to get under. So I did, and she put the tv on in her room. 

"How about you just stay here for a little while, watch some tv until you feel sleepy, and then see how you feel?"

"Thanks," I said, smiling slightly.

"You can stay as long as you'd like, Riker."

I sighed, feeling a bit better. 

"Thank you. I really appreciate it. I don't know why I'm so anxious. I'm not normally like this."

"You're fine, Riker. Just relax."

I focused on the tv, trying to block out all of my thoughts. But it wasn't that hard. I actually felt a lot better, being in Stormie's room with her.

I don't know what it is. Something about her just feels comforting. Maybe it's a sign that she should marry my dad.

The more I think about them getting married, the more I'm ok with the idea and I think I actually kind of want it to happen. 

The truth is, I really wanted dad to get back together with my real mom. But since that's not going to happen, I want him to be happy. I don't want him to be alone for the rest of his life if that's not what he wants. And Stormie is really nice, and she's been taking really good care of me.

Sometimes dad's not home because of work things, and I'm by myself, so if they got married, I wouldn't have to be alone so much anymore.

And I know I don't know everyone very well, and I mostly just know Rydel. But her brothers don't seem so bad. I'm sure once I get to know them, things will feel a lot more comfortable.

I started feeling really sleepy. And I'm really comfy here, next to Stormie. I'm worried if I go back to the guest room I'll get all anxious again. So I'm just going to stay here and close my eyes...


Riker POV


I slowly opened my eyes. Stormie was gently shaking me.

"Do you want to come help me make breakfast?"

I sat up, realizing I fell asleep here last night by accident.

"Sure. Sorry I fell asleep here. I didn't mean to. I just got so tired and-"

"Riker, it's fine. I'm just glad you were able to get some sleep."


We went to the kitchen and I helped her make pancakes. And I really enjoyed cooking with her. Cooking is something I don't really do with dad. I mean, sometimes he'll have me help him barbecue something, but that's a lot different.

The more I think about dad marrying her, the more I like the idea. There's just a lot of things that I feel like I miss out on because I don't have a mom. Like making breakfast, or just cooking in general. Since dad has to work, we get dinner from restaurants a lot because he doesn't have time to cook. 

I don't know, it's just different. In a good way. I'm becoming really excited about this.

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