Chapter 12 : Nightmare

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Chapter 12


Riker POV

"Get over here! I need you to be my target for target practice!" My mom's boyfriend screamed.

I tried to run, but he hit me in the head with a beer bottle and it shattered all over me.

I could feel blood dripping down my forehead.

I wasn't paying attention and he threw another one at me, hitting me in the exact same spot again.

"Please stop! I'm bleeding! It hurts!" I yelled.

"Not a chance. You're my son now," he said, giving me an evil smile.

He picked up a chair. Before I could even move, he threw it and I screamed.

I sat straight up in bed, out of breath. Did I just scream in real life?

Tears started going down my cheeks when I realized dad wasn't here. I don't usually get nightmares, but when I do, they're really bad and really freak me out.

I saw the light go on in the hall and my breath caught in my throat. I woke people up.

The light went on in my room and I saw Stormie standing in my doorway.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up! I had a nightmare!" I cried, pulling my knees to my chest.

"It's ok, Riker. I'm not mad."

She came over and sat down next to me. She pulled me into her arms. I cried into her shoulder while she rubbed circles into my back. And I calmed down after a few minutes.

"Do you want to talk about it, Riker?"

"Do you remember how you picked me up from the airport?"


"And how I had a lot of tiny pieces of glass in me because my mom's boyfriend threw beer bottles at me?"


"That's what my dream was about."

"Honey, that's not going to ever happen again. You're safe. I promise."

I sighed, finally not feeling so scared anymore.

"I'm sorry for waking you up," I said, quietly.

"Riker, I already told you it's ok. I'm sorry you had a nightmare. Do you think you can get back to bed?"

"I'm kind of wide awake now."

"How about we go downstairs for a little while?"

She put her arm around me and took me downstairs. She had me sit on the couch while she went to the kitchen.

I was wondering what she was doing. But to be honest, I was kind of glad she didn't just tell me to try to sleep and then leave me. I'm still a tiny bit nervous and freaked out.

She came back to the living room and gave me a plate with a bagel and a glass of chocolate milk.

"If you have something to eat and drink, I think it'll help you get back to bed."

She sat down next to me and put the tv on so we didn't have to sit in silence. She also put her arm around me. I sort of snuggled into her side and started eating my bagel.

"Do you get nightmares often, Riker?"

"No. They're usually triggered by things though."

"Do you have any idea what might have triggered this one?"

"I think maybe just being away from my dad. He's the only person I have. And he's away right now, so I guess I just feel really alone..."

"Riker, I don't want you to feel alone. You have me, Rocky, Ross, Ryland, and Rydel if you need anything, ok? Don't hesitate to ask if you need something. We're all more than willing to help you. I just want you to feel comfortable while you're here, ok?"

"Ok. Thank you. It's just kind of nerve wracking to be away from my dad."

"I understand. I know it can be hard. Just let me know if there's anything I can do to make you feel better, ok?"

"Ok. I think the bagel and the chocolate milk is helping though. Thank you for staying with me and not just telling me to try to get back to bed."

"Well you said you were wide awake. I didn't want you to have to lay there being anxious and not able to sleep."

"Well thank you. I really appreciate it."

I finished my bagel and drank all of my chocolate milk. By the time I was done, I was getting really tired again.

Stormie walked me back upstairs and then tucked me into bed, which I really liked.

"If you need anything else, Riker, you can wake me up, ok?"

"Ok. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Goodnight."


She left. I shut my eyes, feeling a lot better than I did before. I know I told my dad I was ok with him marrying Stormie, even if I wasn't exactly crazy about the idea. But I was wondering if maybe it would actually be a good thing if he did.

I mean, all she's been is nice to me this entire time. I'm not even her kid, but she's acting like I am. She cares about me a lot.

I already know my mom isn't going to change. And I know I definitely don't like her boyfriend. Maybe it would be nice to have a mom again. And siblings too. I know I don't know them very well, but maybe I need to just spend some time with them and get to know them. They might be really nice, just like Rydel and Stormie.

I fell asleep, thinking about my dad marrying Stormie and our families merging together.

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