Chapter 10 : Back home

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Chapter 10

The next day...

Riker POV     

I got on another flight home with Stormie and Ross. And I was so tired from last night that I basically just slept for the whole entire flight back.

Stormie dropped Ross off at home and then drove me back to my house.

Stormie knocked on my front door and dad opened it a minute later.

"What happened?" Dad asked, looking down at me.

"I'll let Riker tell you. I just wanted to get him back to you safe and sound."

"Thank you."

Dad put his arm around me and brought me inside as Stormie left. He brought me to the couch in the living room and we both sat down.

"What happened?" He asked again, looking at all the bandages on me.

"Can we please talk about this later? I'm so tired."

"Riker, I need to know. You're hurt."

"Please can you just not be mad? I'm already upset enough already!" I said, starting to cry.

I'm so tired of crying. But I have no energy to stop myself.

Dad gently pulled me into a hug. I just buried my face into his chest and cried.

"Riker, I'm not mad. I'm just glad you made it home in one piece."

He started gently rubbing circles into my back as I calmed myself down again.

"Please tell me what happened."

"You were right," I mumbled, keeping my eyes closed.

"What do you mean?"

"She's an alcoholic with a smoker boyfriend who threw beer bottles at me, and that's why I'm all hurt. Stormie had to pick pieces of glass out of my skin for like an hour last night."

Dad didn't say anything, which was worse than him actually saying something because I didn't know what he was thinking.

"Please say something," I said, quietly.

"I'm calling your mother later and telling her how unacceptable that was."

"Please just don't make it worse."

"Riker, I don't ever want you to be in an unsafe situation like that again. I could probably file a police report and get her boyfriend arrested."

"Please don't. Just forget it. You were right. She's not a good person. Please can we just forget that it happened?"

"You really don't want me to say anything?"

"No. Please don't. I just want to move on."


I sighed and finally felt like I could relax. I was still really sore from all the cuts though.

"Well I have some things I have to do today, but why don't you just rest and maybe take a nap. You seem exhausted," dad said.

He got up and got a blanket and a pillow for me. I laid down on the couch and he put the tv on for me. I fell asleep within minutes.


Riker POV

When I woke up, it was dark out. The whole house seemed dark except for the tv which was still on.


I sat up. Silence.

"Dad?" I called, louder.


I got up and walked into the kitchen. I turned the light on and saw a note on the table.

I went to Stormie's for Rydel's birthday. I didn't want to wake you up since you seemed so tired after last night. There is pizza in the fridge if you're hungry. I'll be home later.

Well I'm not really hungry. I feel sort of sick actually. And sore.

I used the bathroom, got myself a cup of water, and sat back down on the couch. I think I'll just watch some more tv until dad gets back.

And it wasn't very long until he did come back.

"Hey, I was hoping you'd be awake. Did you have something to eat?" Dad asked.

"No. I don't feel well."

Dad came over and sat down next to me. He put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just sore from the glass."

"Have you eaten anything today?"

"No. I had some water though," I said, pointing to my cup.

"You should really eat something before you go to bed tonight."

"I'll try."


"How was Rydel's birthday?"


"Did you get her a present?"

"I got her a gift card."


"Yeah, it was just cake and presents with them and some of Stormie's side of the family."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course. You know you can always ask me anything."

"Are you really in love with Stormie? Like really in love?"

Dad paused for a few seconds, which made me nervous for some reason.

"Yes, I'm really in love with her."

"Ok... And do you think you're going to marry her?"

"Well that's the thing... I do want to marry her. But I don't want you to be mad and miserable if I do."

"So then what do we do?"

"What do you think we should do?"

"I think... that you should marry her."



"Why? I thought you didn't want me to."

"I don't. But I don't want you to marry mom. And I don't want you to be alone if you don't want to be alone. And if you really love Stormie then it wouldn't be nice if I stopped you from marrying her and being happy."

Dad pulled me into a hug.

"What changed your mind?" He asked.

"When I was in Florida and she pulled glass out of me for an hour..."

"Well this doesn't for sure mean we're getting married. I still have to ask her and she still has to say yes."

"She will."

"You think so?"

"Why wouldn't she? She wouldn't have taken such good care of me in Florida if she didn't love you."

Dad sighed.

"Come on. It's getting late. You need to eat something and then get some sleep."

Dad got me a piece of pizza and then I went up to bed. I was still really tired even though I slept all day. I ate my pizza and then curled up in my bed and fell asleep.

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