Chapter 38: Royal Affair (4)

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"I'm sorry I had to leave you,"

His eyes is covered in darkness, no light can ever past through. He remained on his position until the ring fell on his hand, and break all his thoughts. He collected himself and put the ring back on the compass, he put on his hoodie and covered most of his facial feature with black his turtle neck.

He sneaked into the small passage way towards the honking city, he doesn't give a care where it leads him. He wants to runaway from the truth of his reality. And as he walks like a dead person on the way, people are looking at him without being recognized that it was him.

Rather people are looking because he looks like a psychopathic person who went out off the asylum, he would laugh at some point and shout for no reason. They kept their distance away from him until he was left alone in the middle of the bridge.

Han River.

He looked back at the Palace were people are celebrating the new enthroned King and his wife beside him. He cannot blame his brother because he knew from the very start that he is the villain of their story.

Stealing his Princess away from him, while him as a brother sit on his head. He doesn't understand if he should curse on him, or curse on himself for his foolishness.

There's no way of him.. taking her away from the sacred matrimony. That's the reason why his brother had that laugh, because they're already married those times.

And he is a fool to believe there's a way of getting out of there.

"Foolish Grand Prince.."

"Foolish me,"

His head has started to spin all of the sudden as his hand support his body on the railings of the bridge. He knew starving himself would lead to his death, but why would he needs to wait until that day. When he already has the easier way in front of him.

Jungkook removed his shoes and placed it on the side, he look back at the Palace and smiled. "I hope you're happy that I am gone from your sight, I cannot live to see you both happy inside that Palace, while I am rotting to my death,"

"I will take this pain to my grave," Jungkook smiled,

"I hope you're happy now, Ji Eun,"

Jungkook looking down at the height.

He wasn't nervous of anything anymore, his mind is circling even with a closed eyes. He started climbing the bridge,

and just make a free fall..

but even death didn't agree to his wanting,

and he found him spinning and his back meeting the ground.


A voice of a woman hissing at him, he was exhausted that he can't groan from the pain of their collision, soon after his right eye was blinded by a beam of light.

He averted his head away.

"Oh thank god, your conscious,"

Jungkook slowly return his head on her, slowly opening his eyes. He can see a feature of a long black haired woman that has a bangs and a big doll eyes.

"Really? You're going to kill yourself in the day of the new King's enthronement?" The girl scoffed,

"Do you know that is a bad omen for the new sovereign?!"

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