Chapter 38 - Life's Dilemmas

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Teddy's stomach was still reeling as he waited on the line for Sally. Dinner had been a misery of small talk and unlimited prying by the gang of widows. At one point he actually thought they might reveal themselves as alien monsters, sent to earth to consume a male.

"Teddy Bear, how are you?"

"I've been better."

"Oh dear, you sound despondent, Teddy."

"Yeah well you can help that by keeping your promise about money."

"So you've relocated already?"

"It's temporary, but I need money to do something more permanent. Tomorrow I'll have a post office box number for you to send it to; I just wanted to make sure you were going to come through before I set it all up."

"I'm hurt that you would think I'd lie about a business arrangement, Teddy."

"Yeah, well I'm hurt that I was ordered out of town with nothin' but my briefcase."

"It was for everyone's benefit, yours included. NaturGro has fostered some very bad feelings in town and anyone connected is on slippery ground."

"What about Barclay? Is he hiding out somewhere as well?"

"He's with me at the club. Barclay's my new floor manager."

"Club? What club? Why the hell is he the manager?"

"I'm the principal owner of an exclusive dinner club now. Barclay exhibited excellent judgement in helping you avoid a disaster with the Christmas trees, and he has demonstrated a, shall we say, an astute sense of both business and social acumen."

"He's boffing you." Sullen.

"Teddy, please, that's a perfect example of why I chose Barclay instead of you; he has the good judgement for maintaining decorum no matter the circumstances."

"Balls! What about my money?"

"You give me the box number and I will send you the money. And Teddy, it would be wise if you stayed well away from Glen Springs for some time—your employer settled here as well. You remember Malcolm Wagner."

"He's there! You mean all these guys bailed on the company?"

"Afraid so, Teddy. Apparently the entire genome project was a dismal failure, and they all shed their stock shares. Your father has applied to the courts for the death penalty for all of NaturGro's staff, so a low profile is definitely in your best interest."

"Jesus! My old man won't give up either." Teddy chewed his lip until he tasted blood. "I'll send you the number first thing tomorrow."

"And I'll send your money right back."

"Uh- how uh- how much are we talking about? I've got a lot of expenses since I left town with nothing. I even have to dump my car so it can't be traced."

Sally mewed a soothing sound down the line. "It will be more than ample, Teddy. I promise. You were one of the best and that deserves special attention." She blew him a kiss and hung up.


Christmas closed swiftly and Eden's Accessories not only sold most of the second order of trees but a number of tree stands, tons of decorations, and a few of Mac's collapsible snow shovels. Mac insisted on being driven to the centre to see for himself and was scolded by Katherine until he apologized to Mickey and congratulated him for a grand job.

Mac had to hurry home from a new pain unrelated to his heart. Katherine gave Mickey a helpless smile and a pat on the arm. Mickey waved goodbye and then turned into the door frame as he stepped back inside, bloodying his nose.

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