Chapter 40 - Pots Boiling Everywhere

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Millicent, Helga, and Inga were all seated around the dining room table when Megra Kinsky ushered a wooden Teddy in to his place at the head. Tittering and flirtatious smiles were couched in the greetings as he sat and stared at his dinner plate, pondering his future once again.

Megra served a huge casserole of borscht and slabs of heavy, dark bread, plopping more than enough on Teddy's plate. When they were all organized and eating, she announced to the others that she had passed on their offer to Mr. Fulton, and he was going to announce his decision at this meal. All eyes landed on him with a thud, simultaneously.

"Uh- uh- I uh..."

"If you have any reservations, Mr. Fulton, I'm sure we can figure out a suitable schedule, one that will please everyone and leave you whatever time you require for your own business." Inga smiled and her eyes twinkled.

Teddy blanched. Schedule!

"I have a feeling that Mr. Fulton thinks that we are older than he might prefer for such an arrangement. Am I right, Mr. Fulton?"

"Uh- Helga, is it? No, it's not that at all. Age has no bearing on- on... I think you're all lovely ladies. I uh- I just uhmm..."

"For the record, we are all under fifty-five." Inga stated, lifting her shoulders for emphasis.

"Listen, he's just a little overwhelmed with the offer. Why don't we ease into this with a preliminary exploration; any one, or all of us, Mr. Fulton?" Millicent suggested.

Getting slugged on the side of the head with a crowbar would have been less shocking. Teddy blinked and shrank under the eager looks from around the table.

"That seems sensible to me." Megra said. "Meanwhile we can have dessert and some wine." She left the table, carrying away the remainder of the casserole and bread, leaving Teddy and the others to stare at one another.

Dessert was the heaviest cake Teddy had ever tasted. It was delicious but needed serious chewing and the wine created light flashes behind his eyes. By the end of the meal Teddy was totally relaxed and entertaining comments on various topics with all the women; they were even beginning to look different to his fuzzy eyes, softer, warmer, more... interesting.

"I think your little potion has done the trick," Millicent observed.

The ladies all agreed.


The money was in the post box as promised and the amount was even more than Teddy expected. This was a good thing. A very good thing. He left the office and trudged through the first substantial snow of the season back to the rooming house. Megra greeted him at the back door where he shucked his coat and boots.

"Did you get what you wanted, Edward?" She helped him hang up his jacket and then stepped back as he came into the kitchen.

"I did and all is well with Te- Edward's world." He took an offered cookie and groaned inwardly at the delicious flavour.

"The girls and I wanted to say that last night was absolutely the best, and since you didn't seem to object to any of the uhm... activities... we took the liberty of preparing a schedule... subject to your approval of course."

"Megra, I- last night was a bit of a- a fog, what with that meal and all the wine. I'm not- what exactly happened?"

"Oh dear, that's a bit of a disappointment, Edward. The girls really wanted to make an impression."

"Well to be honest, I found several peculiar marks on my chest and legs..."

She giggled and put a hand over her mouth. "That was Inga, she can be a devil sometimes."

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