Chapter 42 - Sup With the Devil(s)

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"So Richard solved the puzzle, and now you are in full production of Sally's Spices."

"They are still White's Spices, Mickey. Only Richard and I know the recipe." She avoided his eyes and went about fiddling with her products.

"Good luck keeping that secret."

"What do you mean?"

"Sally controls Richard, and that means completely."

She stopped working and looked at him. "We have a deal."

"And I'm sure she'll honour it. Just don't bank on your recipe being your secret."

She swallowed hard. "I suppose it doesn't really matter anyway. It was custom ordered for her as part of the deal, so I couldn't do anything else with it anyway. I've made a huge batch for her grand opening. I can't imagine how she plans to use it all."

"Can I try it?"

"I didn't think you liked spicy stuff."

"Middle name... remember?" He stuck a finger in the jar. "Mmmm, that's really good, what's in it?"

She gave him a look.

"Hey, I fessed up about Donald."

Carly frowned, and clasped her hands. "It turns out that nutmeg is a hallucinogen."


"It's true, in quantity, and Richard also had his own sources for uhm . . . mushrooms. So with some precise engineering, we managed to develop a ratio - with a few other items - that became what you just sampled."

"Well, I didn't get any kind of rush from it."

"Just don't eat it in spoonfuls." She warned, putting the lid back on the jar.

"Right. Nutmeg, eh? Okay, secret. I got it. I'm off. I gotta go home and change and then drop the receipts off at Mac's. Dinner in or out?"

"We aren't married, Schafer; dinner together every night isn't a given."

Mickey looked abashed. "Excuse me. Call me if you change your mind." He hurried out of the shop.


Harry looked around the table at the assembled residents and then cast a pleading eye at Teddy. Little Christmas trees fashioned from various vegetables decorated each plate, and a loop of carols played in the background adding to the surreal experience Harry was having.

Teddy's offer included a full exposure of his own deal with Sally and how he was on a monthly, permanent allowance... a very generous one. As well, Teddy explained how the four women, cumulatively, had more money than God, all from the estates of late husbands. In return for the proper attention, Harry could receive the same privileges as Teddy, and if he was smart, would get lodging, food, laundry service, maid service and occasionally, paid vacations around the world.

"A helluva lot for a few hours a week in the sack." He had pointed out.

"You think I'd spend the rest of my life with- with these- are you nuts?"

"Do I look it? Did you see how they treated me when we got here? I'm king here, I tell you. It's a dream situation."

"But it's every week!" Harry protested.

"Oh, and that offends your sensibilities."

"No but... four of them!"

"Hey, up to now it's just been me, pal. And, you aren't restricted to the house, Harry. I still come and go when and for as long as I please. I think in exchange for all that and a comfortable allowance to supplement your forty percent from Sal, you can get it up for half of them." When Harry didn't respond Teddy had shrugged his disinterest and led the way down to dinner.

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