Chapter 26 - There's Sales Pitches and Then There's Sales Pitches

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The woman standing at the desk caught his eye and he slowed to appreciate the figure and the lazy stance as she chatted with the clerk. Ah, for those lost days, he thought ruefully. He kept heading for the door and at the same time she turned from the desk, moving in the same direction.

"Let me get that," Barclay smiled, grabbing the door and holding it open for her.

"Why thank you, such a charming gentleman." They stepped out into a brisk wind blowing stinging little missiles of snow granules.

"Good upbringing," he boasted mildly, chuckling.

"Speaking of bringing things up... do you know a nice bar nearby at all?"

"Gosh no. I'm just passing through town. Don't really even know where I am myself." He pulled out his street map and fought it into an awkward fold.

"Well the young man in the hotel suggested a place called Dwarf's?"

"Dwarf's?" He laughed. "Let's see if they list the businesses anywhere on here." Barclay unfolded the map and the wind almost whipped it out of his hands.

"What's that?" Sally ducked inside his arm and placed a long nail on a section of food and beverage establishments.

Barclay couldn't bring his arms back without actually embracing her and when he let go of one side letting it swing away in the wind, Sally grabbed the edge and held it up, now leaning against him as she pretended to fathom the map. Investigating any possible bumps in the road she was travelling,

Sally decided to follow through with Harry's request.

"Here we are. Dwarf's." She read the street and address and then with careful manipulation, ensnaring Barclay once again, she located the street on the map.

"There it is. Oh that's just around the corner."

"Well, there you go then," he managed, a little breathlessly.

"I couldn't talk you into joining me...?" She gave him her most innocent look. "I feel a little awkward going to a bar alone, and I know you're a gentleman."

"Uh well, I'm- I'm..."

"It's just for a drink. I really can't see going alone." She took his arm and huddled closely as they started down the street, his protest sputtering like a faulty firecracker. "Thanks, I really appreciate this. My name's Sally. What's yours?"

"Harklay Banover... Barflay Harkly." He wiped his forehead. The woman was spinning some kind of spell and he was losing his moral compass.

"I didn't quite catch that." She linked his arm tighter, ducking her face close to his out of the wind.

"Barclay. Barclay Hanover." He finally managed, wincing internally over giving his real name..

"It's a real pleasure, Barclay." Sally set off again, nudging him with her hip every other step.

Dwarf saw them come in and he caught the eye signal from Sally so he didn't greet her as he normally would, instead he shifted his huge size over to the booth they chose and played the simple bartender.

"Uhm, ah- what would you like?" Barclay asked her, helping her off with her coat and hanging it on the booth hook.

"I think a double vodka Martini on the rocks... two olives." Her smile warmed the table and Dwarf muffled a snicker.

"Oh, that's uh- that's- right, okay. One of those and I'll have a rum and coke."

"You're sweet to do this, Barclay." She patted his hand and he snatched it away as from a fire.

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