Twenty Five

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It had been a rough day, cella had thrown a tantrum on the middle of the beach because the crabs wouldn't follow her which resulted in her getting distracted and hit by a wave right in the face. I could feel the burn in my eyes when I seen it happen .

Now were currently sitting outside my little house eating our lunch, cella singing babbles to herself like usual and me just admiring her cuteness. Reg would have loved her, maybe even more than he loved me.

I sighed "dévorer". She giggled at me before eating parts of her sandwich.

"Bonjour, Celeste"
I turned around, regulus.
It was him,
I was dreaming wasn't I,
I had finally gone mad,
I must be seeing things..

"C'est moi" he spoke
I ran out my seat and hugged him as tight as I could, taking him all in.

"Mama, qui est cet homme"  cella butted in, breaking me and regulus apart
"je suis ton père" reg spoke

She looked at me confused, I nodded letting her know it was true which then brought on the cheesiest grin ever from her as she hugged regulus leg.

He lifted her up, kissed her head and brought me in to the embrace too.

We were finally a happy family.

Once we had all settled down, cella went off to play with next doors little boy.

"Where did you go, where have you been, why"
I bombarded him with questions yes maybe it was harsh, but what else was I meant to do, still act patient after all this time? No way!

"I left to find the horocruxe, found it and destroyed it like I said I would"

I let out a sigh

"I know I've been gone Celeste but I won't ever leave you again, never without good reason"

I looked at him with great watered eyes, I must of looked like some upset puppy.
"I promise"
He hugged me tightly.

Potions*Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now