Chapter 5

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Meeting my dorm partner.

"Hi, I'm Tiffany Louis, your dorm partner" she just sat there looking at me "err, I just wanted to relate with you since we would be staying together for the next few months, but it's okay if you don't want that, you know" she still didn't reply so I stood up and went back to my side of the room, staring through the window- it had a lovely view of the quarter.

And I heard quarrel from the dorm's passage, I paused a little to realize the voices arguing. It sounded like Cassie and someone were having a duel, I peeped through my door it was Selena.

"All you do is break up good things, even what makes your friends happy"

"That's not true"

"O, really? Well you just broke me and Jason, you never liked him from the onset all you did was critise him"

"That's so false, I told you he wasn't a good guy for you because you deserved better"

"How can you know what's good for someone else? If all you do is date and break up in two months"

"Well, I may not be stable in my relationships but I do know when a guy is right and true"

"Oh, please heart reader, you know nothing"

"What ever babe, I'm out" she slams her door shut. I could tell the height of her anger from that action. I went back into my room. My dorm partner sat up immediately.

"Hey, I'm Annie short of Anastasia" she must have had a change of heart, I smiled. "Sorry about early, my attitude and all, didn't mean to be harsh, my mind was just clouded with thoughts, we good?"

"Sure, no problem at all, I was just trying to have a relationship with who I'd be living with" she gave a faint smile and I walked back to my part of the room and laid on the bed.

It was Sunday and I'd forgotten to check a church the day before, so I've to do that during the week, I scribble it into my to-do list. As I laid down, my mind could not help but wonder the event that just occurred, yesterday we meet at the garden and Serena left us to be with her boyfriend but why would she blame Cassie for breaking them up? She sure must be confused, I shook my head and brought out my novel- The fault in our stars- to continue reading.

"Tiff" I heard my name in my sleep, must have fallen asleep half way my reading, must be Cassie.

"Hold on, I'm coming" I tucked out of bed to get the door.



"Can I come in?"

"Sure" I excused her to come in, she sat on my bed.

"You must have heard the quarrel with Selena earlier?"

"I was watching from outside the door, what was that about?"

"She thinks I ruined her relationship with Jason when I was only stating what she could not see, now she won't talk to me, I feel like I really caused it"

"If you only advised her, I'm sure you didn't cause the breakup, give her time to get over herself and then talk to her" she nods

"Thanks, Tiff. You should meet our other friends in school tomorrow, I'll introduce you to them at the cafeteria"

"Sounds good, so, Cassie, I just wanted to know if, you know, if you're my friend now, not really friends but someone I can rely on and stuff. I won't want to see you as a friend and then it's not mutual"

"Oh, come on Tiff, I'm your friend, as long as you don't blame me for your misfortunes like Selena, then we're cool. Friends will always have bad days tho."

"Thanks Cassie, I like the sound of that. Why are you not in church or something?"

"I'm not really a religious person. You?"

"I go to church very often, but I forgot to check yesterday"

"I'll help you with that, what grade are you in?

"11th grade"

"We're in the same grade, but I'm 17. I'm glad we met"

"What's your date of birth?"

"May 30th"

"I'm May 10th"

"What were you doing before I got here?"

"I was reading earlier but must have fallen asleep, until you knocked"

"Lets go get something to eat, together"

"Great" I wore my purple varsity hoodie and a sandal and followed Cassie to her room. Her room was nicely decorated and she didn't have a dorm partner, she said you must have lived from 7th grade to get a room to yourself. Her walls had different pictures of herself and her friends- Mary, Elizabeth and Selena- were the familiar faces I knew. Her room was tidy and also had a window view- but something nicer to look at. She got dressed and we left.

We entered a restaurant across the dorm, the bell jingled, the waiter looked at our direction and smiled, definitely not to me but he was cute. We took the table by the window and checked the menu. I ordered a croissant bread with tea and Cassie did the same. We ate quietly. Just then the bell jingled again and Mary and Elizabeth walked to our table. Mary spoke first.

"Cassie, we heard what happened with you and Selena. She's such a drama queen" Cassie kept munching her bread as she nods.

"Sorry about that babe" she patted Cassie at her back. Everywhere was quite again. We ate our breakfast and left the restaurant for a walk.

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