Chapter 10

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I recovered after two days, but the Doctor still kept me for a night and I was discharged the next morning. My wonderful friend were with me all through and I felt truly lucky to have them.

Stephen and Cole came to pick me up when I got discharged, the others were in classes. They called a cab and have the driver my dorm's location, I sat with Stephen at the back of the cab. Then I really wanted to talk to someone at home, do I asked the driver to turn at the first street before the dorm to use the payphone. I dialed the house number, Israel picked it.

"Hey Izzy, where's everyone?"

"Hi, sis. Dad is at work, Mum is upstairs and others are around the house."

"Give the receiver to Mum" he started screaming.

"Mooooooom, Tiffany is on the phone, she wants to speak with you" Izzy is seven and he's my immediate younger brother and he's very smart.

"Hello, sweetheart, how are you?"

"I'm great mom, how are you and everyone?"

'They are fine, how's school?"

"School's great"

"Have you made friends?"

"Yes, I've mom and they're wonderful people, selfless and helping, Mom, they are amazing"

"Aww, my baby has got friends, I'm proud of you. Do you want to come home for your holiday?"

"I'll get back to you on that, take care of yourself. Love you bye."

"Love you too" I went my dorm after the call and thanking the twins for their help.

"Be good Tiff, and make sure you sleep"

"I'll, Steph. Thanks" when I got to the receptionist, she also greeted me and ask if I was okay. "I am, thank you ma" she handed my keys to me and I went to my room. I slept immediately.


I woke up feeling really strong and ready for school, so I got dressed and walked to Cassie's room, she was ready but she was crying.

"Cassie is everything okay?" She nods. "Then why are you crying?"

"I miss Selena, she hasn't even bothered to come back to talk with me about her break up, she makes me feel like an horrible person" I moved closer to her and put her head in my hands, comforting her.

"Cassie, you're no way near horrible, you're amazing and I bet Selena is regretting losing a friend. Don't make yourself feel horrible for something that isn't worth it"

"I'm not sure she's regretting it, she's better off without me"

"Cassie, how ever Selena wants to feel now, don't let it affect you in anyway. Make her know that you're also better off without her"

"Thanks, Tiff. How's your health?"

"I feel alive thanks. Now, lets get to school" she packed her bag and locked her room. We signed out and left for school.

On getting to school, we noticed instruction papers, pasted everywhere. I walked up to one of it. The information disseminated was concerning sports. The principal was asking us to engage in school sports.

"SPORTS?!!!!!" Cassie exclaimed. "This principal has got to be kidding, how does he expect all student to be invoked in sport? This is ridiculous"

"It's the fact Cassie, we've to join a sport today. Which do you have interest in?"

"Volleyball and Paintball"

"That's a progress, I'll be joining the race team"

"You run?" She asked with a surprised expression.

"Yes, I do, but it has been a while, I'd need training"

"That's sweet, come on, lets get to class" we separated after visiting our lockers, we had entirely different classes, we would see again at the cafeteria at lunch time. "Bye"


As I got to the cafeteria, everyone seemed to know that I was sick even the service man. I went to order for my food and went to sit with my friends..

"Hey guys"

"Hey, Tiff, how were classes? " Steph asked.

"Great thanks guys for being there" I started to unwrap my burger and ate. "Which sports are you engaging in?"

"Race" Steph blurted out and I began to wonder if Cassie told him I was joining race.

"We don't have to join any, we're already cheerleaders" Naomi spoke for Rachael.

"I'll be joining race too" Lucas said.

"Paintball" Cole said with pride, but the girls still laughed at him.

"I'll be going for cheerlead tryouts, if I make it, then I'll join" Rebecca said last. Noel ain't you going to join any sport?

"I'm having a hard time having an interest in any"

"Then take your time to think it through"

"I'll, t-thanks" I finished my lunch before they asked what sport I was joining. I fidgeted, because I knew Steph would be glad I choose race.

"I'll be joining the race team too"

"Really? That's fantastic" Cole eyed his twin after Steph said that. I stood up and waved bye to them and left for my next class- with Austin.

"Hey, Austin" he turned from his note and saw me.

"Hey, Tiffany, how are you?"

"I'm great. Thanks"

"Have you decided what sport you're joining?, I'm joining race" I just stood there and stared at him.

"Really? I thought of that too"

"Then that's great, we would go together after class. Take a seat"


When classes were over, the principal called for an announcement at the hallway of the school.

"Good day, students. I'm sure you've seen the posters everywhere, joining a sport is now mandatory unless you've an illness. Sporting activities would be included in your program next session but make sure you register with the teachers in charge, their names have been pasted on the board. They will agree a convenient time with you for the rest of the semester. Have a good day students."

As soon as he finished the announcement, student ran in different directions where the posters were pasted, found their teacher and went for the sign-up. Luckily we had a sexy male teacher for the race team. I went with Austin for our sign-up.

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