Chapter 13

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Jin returned to his apartment, today he felt very tired, he needed to rest, but when he entered his apartment, Namjoon was already there waiting for him.


"Hey baby, I'm waiting for you, I miss you so much" Namjoon approached Jin and hugged him as usual, kissing Jin on the cheek.

"How do you feel after your vacation?"

"Good, I feel good"

"Come here" Namjoon invites Jin to sit on the couch. Putting his hand on Jin's thigh and stroking it.

"You look very tired babe"

"Yeah, I want to sleep"

"Oh no, you can't sleep now"


"I want to ask you and you have to answer honestly, you know I don't like liars right?"


"What did you do while in Jeju?"

"I..I just enjoy the beach and walking around"

"I told you that I don't like liars right? Why are you still lying to me?"

"I..I didn't lie to you" Namjoon grabbed Jin's hair, making Jin scream in pain.

"Namjoon!! Let me go, you hurt me!"

"Tell me the truth! What were you doing with that guy in the car?" Jin's eyes widened.


"He fucked you Jin, he touched what was mine, and you moaned very loudly, sounding really enjoying every touch he gave"

"H-how.. how did you know?"

"Have you forgotten who I am? You still love him?"

"Namjoon, I..awww"

"Don't lie, I don't like to hurt you but I hate liars, is there anything you want to tell me other than that?"

"Namjoon, I'm sorry--"

"No, that's not it, another lie you wanted to tell? What if you were honest with me about the pills, you're taking pills so you don't get pregnant right?"

"Please.. let me go!! Please"

"Do you think I'm that stupid Jin? I've known for a long time and replaced your pills with vitamins"


"Yes and now there is no more reason for you not to get pregnant, because you have to get pregnant, you have to bear my child Jin"

"No!!! Namjoon, you never loved me! I don't want to get pregnant, not with you!!!" Namjoon, who was ignited by emotion, immediately slapped Jin's face so hard that his cheeks were red and sore.

" slapped me?"

"Yes and now is the time to fuck you baby, come here"

"No!!! Get away from me!! Get away from me!! I don't want to Namjoon, please no!!!

For almost an hour Namjoon fucked Jin, Jin's body was limp, he just lay on the couch. Namjoon expels his sperm in Jin's hole, who knows what will happen later.

"Don't leave this place! Or you'll never meet that man again! Got that?"


Three days later Jin came back to the hospital, his lips were still injured and many other parts of his body were still bruised and sore. Jisoo was the first to notice the injuries.

"Jin what happened?"

"Nothing, I just fell"

"And you think I believe? I'm a doctor, I know which fall wounds and which hit wounds"

"It's okay, i'm okay"

"Who hit you? Namjoon?"

"No, he never hit me"

"Who is it?"

"I'm okay Jisoo"

"Tell me Jin you can tell me anything"

"I know, but I'm okay"

Jin knows all his activities are monitored, he can't say anything to anyone, he only has himself and even he feels that Jungkook won't accept him anymore after what happened. All he is afraid of now is his pregnancy. He didn't want that to happen.

A month later, Jin felt that his body got tired easily, his appetite also decreased, he thought he must be sick from work fatigue. But he realized something. Things he doesn't want to happen in his life.

He took the testpack that he had kept for a long time, went to the bathroom and waited. When he saw the testpack, his body went limp and tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Impossible!! Please god, this is impossible, no way, I don't want to get pregnant with his child please, Jungkook I'm sorry" Jin kept sobbing in the bathroom.

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