Meet Eden

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A loud distant bell echoed around the school. I slammed the bathroom door open urgently and almost bumped in to Eva.

"Hey Eden" Eva grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to sit on the bed by the window. "I have a welcome home present" she exclaimed in an excited tone. She dropped to the floor and pulled out a large flat rectangular wrapped object from under her bed while squealing away to herself.

She pushed it into my chest and squeaked. "OPEN IT OPEN IT COME ON !!"

I laughed and pulled the pink wrapping paper from the gift. A huge canvas of Justin Bieber lay flat on my legs. "And guess what Eden, I've even put a nail in the wall next to your bed so you can hang it up" I glanced up at her and smiled at her 'kindness'. She swiftly grabbed it from my knees and placed it on the wall. "Do you like it?" I smiled my fake enthusiastic smile and lied "I love it!"

Assembly dragged on for what felt like hours. "This weeks theme is respect" a tall stick looking man mumbled. He wore a mop of grey hair and a brown and white checked shirt. Eva nudged me and whispered "that's Mr Murray, our head of house" I smirked and nudged her back "doesn't he seem cheerful"
"EXCUSE ME YOUNG LADY" my head flew up, the ancient man was glaring in my direction. I twisted my head to check it wasn't someone behind me. "YES, YOU, THE BLONDE ONE. STAND UP" A sudden amount of anger rushed into me. I stomped onto the chair and shouted "IT'S DIRTY BLONDE ACTUALLY!" A mutual gasp echoed around the hall. "Young lady, what do you have to say for yourself." I thought for a second and replied with a simple answer "what's the wifi password."

I heard a chair scrapping behind me and spun round. A pretty girl with dark brown curly hair stood up behind me. She wore smart uniform and her hair was pulled to one side. She had beautiful green eyes, she looked nervous but wore a fake confident smile. "Chubbybunny378" Mr Murray glared in my direction but at this time it was behind me. "ABI HARRISON MY OFFICE NOW AND YOU" a crooked finger was pointed in my direction.

Just at that moment Miss Titely marched in and gasped at me, "Eden Taylor get off your chair immediately" she exclaimed.

"No, no, no, no, no, no," my foot hovered over the edge of the chair unsure whether to step off or stay on.

But, clumsy old me, slipped and landed face first on the floor, I groaned and slowly lifted my head. A large circle of students had gathered around me and in the centre of it stood Mr Murray. He smirked and spat "everyone, meet Eden Taylor."

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