A Kiss in the Dark

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"Welcome to our new, one night home!" Eva exclaimed and uncovered me and Luke's eyes.
To our surprise, the four of them had managed to give the basement a complete make over in just under two hours. The matted rug from the centre of the room was nowhere to be seen and instead, had been replaced by a colourful fluffy rug. Huge duvets lay on some of the sofas and the stained single mattresses had been made up into proper beds. There was even a fridge situated in the corner of the room!
"Where the hell did you find all this stuff?!" I questioned.
"Well next door was open as well so we just scouted the place and grabbed anything that looked cool!" Callum exclaimed, "oh and we took the chandelier down as well. We all know what Eva gets like when she's drunk!"
Me and Luke shared around the bottles of vodka and beer cans we had brought from the boarding house and started opening packets of crisps and popcorn. "Chubby bunny challenge!!" Callum yelled, jumping to his feet. Eva scolded him, "Callum you're almost eighteen and there's no marshmallows, sit down!" The seventeen year old, almost six foot boy pouted at Eva and sat back down frowning. "Oh stop being such a babyyy! C'mon let's do something fun!!" Eva exclaimed taking another huge gulp of vodka and pulling a face at the nasty taste.
"Let's play drink or tell," Jake suggested, placing an unopened bottle of vodka in the centre of the room. "You either answer the question you're asked, or you drink."
"Charlotte can start as she's the guest here," I stated and threw her a sarcastic smile.
"Yeah," Eva laughed, "what bra size are you Charlotte? I'm guessing 28 AA!" Charlotte's cheeks flushed pink and she spoke, "well... I'd rather not say but bra size doesn't matter anyway!!" Callum and Jake laughed aloud at her statement while the embarrassed girl took the first drink from the bottle.
"So Eva, you seem to get around, don't you? Sorry, how many boyfriends have you had?" Charlotte taunted Eva while Callum took a sudden interest to a crumb in front of him.
"Actually Charlotte, Luke was my first serious boyfriend so with Callum now that counts to... two. And I'm very happy, thank you very much!!" Eva hissed at her.
Callum took her hand and kissed it with a sigh of relief.
Certainly the answer he wanted to hear.

"Hey Luke," Jake called out, breaking the awkward tension between the two girls. "I wanna know how your love life's going! Who was the last girl you hooked up with?" My eyes widened at the question, suddenly realising that the answer was me. Luke sent me a quick glance of concern and then leaned forward and took a swing the bottle.
"Eden, I've got one for you!" Callum called, "Why did you move schools? Like did you get kicked out or what?" I bit my lip, suddenly having a flashback of seeing my boyfriend with that girl and the huge amount of pain that came afterwards.
"I... I guess I needed a fresh start, that's all. I had some people in my life back at home who... didn't treat me well. But since moving here, I've met you guys, and you're the best!" I smiled at everyone (except Charlotte) as Jake leaned towards me and placed a sweet kiss on my cheek.

Eva grabbed the bottle from the middle and took a long sip from it.
"WOOOO!!" she yelled, jumping to her feet and grabbing my hand. "C'mon Edennn, DANCE with me!" Eva sang, pulling me to my feet and whirling me round in circles.
"Oh dear... Here we go," Callum sighed.
After she was content that we had danced enough, she plopped herself next to Jake and wagged her finger at him. "Now listen here Callum," Eva scolded.
"I'm Jake..." Jake muttered and turned her around so she faced Callum. "I simply do not understand how you can only like Llama's and not Alpaca's as well!!"Eva stated. Callum rolled his eyes, took Eva by the hand and led her to the nearest black sofa. "I think it's someone's bedtime," he chuckled softly and lay her down. Eva folded her arms up against her chest in protest and moaned, "noooo."
"Time to get into your pyjamas baby Eva," Callum teased. Completely unaware of the sarcasm and humour laced in Callum's voice, Eva decided to start striping. She pulled her hoodie and pink vest top off and began to start undoing her bra when Callum intervened, "no no no babe, don't do that! Keep that on!!"
Charlotte gave a heavy sigh, watching the scene in front of her with disgust. "Some people just don't know how to control themselves. How immature!!" Charlotte's high-pitched voice squeaked. Suddenly, Eva's head snapped round and she gave Charlotte a glare that could kill. "Immature! IMMATURE!! Oh, I'll give you immature," she yelled and with that, she tipped the remains of the vodka bottle over Charlotte's mousy brown hair. She let out a sickening scream, and raced up the stairs, out of the basement.

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