The Plan

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"Eden, Eden," someone was shaking my shoulder, "wake up!" Suddenly the duvet was whipped from on top of me and a sharp yet painful slap crashed against my cheek. "Leave me alone," I mumbled to my intruder, "I'm asleep."
There was a moment of peace and as I slowly drifted back into sleep, I felt a drip on my head.
Suddenly a ton of ice cold liquid hit me in a splash. I was drenched.

My eyes flew open and meet Eva's devilish brown eyes with a glint of revenge yet no sign of guilt. "Meet me at the barn," and with that she sauntered out and gently shut the door.

Slowly with very little effort I dragged my soaked wet body out of my bed and grabbed my phone. Great!
It's 1:40am.
My eyes landed on the large mirror nailed to the wall, I looked at my reflection with horror.
My dirty blonde hair was plastered to my head, straight yet already starting to lift back into its natural curls once again.

My blue eyes looked bright with anger and annoyance. Black mascara was smudged down my cheeks and my fair freckles which usually scattered themselves over my nose were stained black.

Quickly I changed into a pair of denim shorts and a pink tank top, brushed my hair through and washed my face. After putting on a small amount of black eye liner and pink lip stick, I left our dorm and headed towards this so called barn.

After wandering around the basketball courts and a swimming pool for what felt like hours I situated myself by a tree and sat down. This was hopeless.

I rested my head against the cold, rough bark and let a tear slip from eye. I was tired, cold and lost.

Suddenly I felt a warm hand gently land on my bare shoulder and someone sit next to me. "Hey," a male voice whispered, I opened one eye and met the familiar sea blue eyes.
"Luke," I croaked as I leaped on top of him, engulfing him in a bear hug. He let out a small chuckle and gave me a small peck on my cheek, "missed me?"

As we walked to this barn he grabbed my hands and put them to his mouth and started gently blowing on them, "God Eden, your freezing."
His hot breath filled my hands sending warm shivers through my body. "Just round here," he led me through a maze of trees and eventually we got to a clearing surrounded by a small forest.
In the middle of the clearing was a large run-down barn with only half a roof and full of hay bales.

"I found her," Luke shouted towards the barn, I elbowed him. "Shut up, they'll hear you at the boarding house." He let out a hearty laugh and turned to look at me, "you must be having a laugh Eden, we're almost a mile away from Ashford," and with that he jogged towards the barn leaving me wandering how long I had been walking around earlier.

As I approached, Eva shouted in my direction, "Hey Eden, you had a nice shower?" I scowled at her, grabbed some hay and chucked it in her direction. "MY HAIR!" she screamed, desperately combing through her hair with her fingers trying to get the non-existent hay from her hair.

Callum sat next to her on a hay bale, chuckling away to himself and pointing at her hair, showing her where the 'hay' was.

Luke sat opposite them, looking away awkwardly, taking a great interest in a small bird nest balanced up near the roof.
High pitched chirping came from the nest and every now and then a tiny yellow beak would peek out from the twigs and sticks.

A pair of bare arms wrapped themselves around my waist, I could feel warm breath against my neck. "Hey gorgeous," a Canadian voice whispered into my ear.
I closed my eyes and rested my head back against his chest, I could feel it slowly lifting up and down.

After a few minutes I turned around in his tight grip so our chests were touching and I could feel his breath against my mouth, gently I pushed my lips against his and laced our hands together.
I brought my other hand to his neck and gently ran my hand through his soft black hair. He pulled me towards a hay bale and sat us down, our lips still intertwined.

Eventually I broke the kiss by smiling, I pulled away but left our hands still laced together. "Eden Taylor," Jake whispered, "how dare you! I was enjoying that," he smirked.

"Guys," Callum's voice broke the slightly awkward silence, "as sweet as this is, why on earth are we in the run down barn at 3 o'clock in the morning!" To be honest that had crossed my mind, as nice as it was to make out with my boyfriend in the middle of the night in a large shed with an audience. There must have been another reason than Eva just dumping water on me to drag me to a barn to make out with Jake, surely.

"We're here for one reason and one reason only," Jake answered, "revenge!" He gave me a cute smirk and it suddenly all clicked, we were gonna take revenge on Miss Titely.

Hours flew by as we discussed our vengeful plan, and before we knew it the sun had started to rise. "Hey guys, I forgot to mention, I brought us a present," and with that Jake presented us with a bottle of wine. He took a swing of it and then passed it to me.
I'd never properly had wine before, of course I'd had a sip of my parents wine and occasionally I used to have a glass of champagne with my ex but never proper wine. I swung it in the air and let the sour liquid drain down my throat.

A few seconds later I passed it on to Eva and stuck my tongue out in disgust, "not nice?" Luke chuckled at me. "That. Was. Horrible." Jake laughed at me, "sorry sunshine, I'll bring champagne next time yeah," I nodded, "as long as I'm given some warning and don't have a ton of water thrown over my head!"

"I'm bored!" Eva exclaimed, "what shall we do?" It was a summer morning so the sun was rising even though it was only 6am.

"OMG!!!" Eva stood on her hay bale and had both arms flung in the air, "let's play truth or dare!"

We all agreed to play and promised to do all the dares and truths, no matter what they were. "Right okay Eden you can start," Eva remarked pointing at me, "truth or dare!"

That was an easy one, I never chose truth, ever. I didn't want my painful past to be brought up and shared with everyone.


Eva's gave me an evil grin and shuffled ever so slightly closer to me.

"I dare you, to kiss Luke!"

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