Guilt and Love Trees

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As I lay in my bed that night, guilt washed over me. I had known that Eva was cheating on him. I had thought that maybe if he didn't know it wouldn't hurt him. But it had just made the pain more unbearable. How could I have done that to him.

Breakfast was the normal. Soggy cereal and toast. I decided instead of sitting with Abi and her friends, I would confront Eva. I marched over to her and her cluster of barbies and pushed through them so I was facing Eva. "A word please, Hun," I grabbed her wrist and pulled her away to a table on our own.

"What do you want, you cow," I burst out laughing, spitting half my soggy cereal at her. "Cow, are you serious. Did you genuinely just call me a cow!"
She glared at me and motioned for me to continue. I then put on my straight face and glared back at her intently, "do you even know what you've done."

Eva shrugged her shoulders at me and started examining her nails, "depends what your referring to. If you mean Luke coming in on me and Callum, then that's his problem. He was a rubbish boyfriend anyway." She looked up at me with a bored expression.
I knew she was bad but this time she was crossing the line. "Your unbelievable," I whispered shaking my head.

I glanced around the cafeteria and my eyes landed on Jakes table. No Luke. Jake gave me and a lopsided grin and then continued showing off his new basketball shirt to his mates.

I scraped my chair and I stood up abruptly and marched out the cafeteria. Leaving Eva alone on a table with my left over food.

I broke into a jog and desperately made my way to Luke's room. A tear broke off from my eyes as I remembered what state Luke was in when I left him last night.

I knocked gently at the door and waited patiently for an answer. A croak followed by a cough came from behind the door, so I took that as my permission to enter. Slowly I opened the door to find Luke sat on his bed with his head in his hands in only his boxers.

"How you doing?" I asked as I shut the door and sat down next to him on his bed. He shook his head and stood up so he was standing in front of me. I couldn't really help but notice how tanned his chest was. He had a clearly defined six pack, he obviously worked out. A lot. His blonde floppy hair swept across his forehead.

His eyes were blue. But not the kind of sky blue or blue paint flaking off your childhood swing blue. Not even the blue of those summer flowers which spring up by the roadside blue. His eyes were blue like the ocean, crystal clear blue. As I stared into those pained blue eyes I could hear the waves crashing against the shore and the seagulls flying up above. They were blue like the sky just before the sun disappears behind the horizon. But behind his stunning sea blue eyes was sadness and sorrow. Hurt and neglect. Weakness and depression.

"I feel...I feel pain," he whispered to me. A small tear rolled from his right ocean blue eye. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, "we had been to together for almost 2 years. I remember the day when innocent young Luke fell for the prettiest girl in the school with her dreamy blue eyes and perfectly dyed blonde hair." He opened his eyes and stared right at me, "and you know what's worse, Eden. My girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend."

Tears were flowing from his eyes steadily now and his naked chest shook gently.

Suddenly he dived on top of me, knocking me over so I lay down on his bed. He was lying on top of me in only his boxers. This situation would be super awkward if it was with anyone but Luke. But he's my best friend, I would never hit on him, nor him on me. He gave me a massive bear hug and buried his head into my chest.
"If someone came in right now this would look bad!" He chuckled quietly but continued weeping.

After a few minutes he lifted up his head and shuffled up on top of me. Gently, he kissed my forehead. Not as an expression of love or affection. But as an action of thankfulness.

I then flicked him on the nose and he chuckled lightly. He grabbed one of my blonde curls and flicked them in my face, "gee, thanks" I mumbled behind my hair as we laughed together. Using my sharp finger nails I slowly scraped down his back as he cried out in pain while laughing. "Now..." I grabbed his naked muscular shoulders and pushed his heavy body off me, "go put some clothes on!"

"Hey," I called to Jake as I strolled over to him. "I'm guessing you got my note in English," he answered, his Canadian accent engulfed his voice. "Yeah, Luke passed it to me. So... you wanted to see me..." He grinned. He wore a loose white top, black jeans and white Nike trainers. His hair stuck up at the front with gel, he looked hot I had to admit.

"Yeah, um..." a sudden look of nervousness washed over his face and he bit his lip anxiously. I slipped my hand through his and sat us down by a tree near the basketball courts. "I um... I really like you Eden Taylor. Will you um... will you be my... my girlfriend?" He turned his head to look at me and bit his lip nervously.
Suddenly I pounced on him so I was sitting on his lap and slammed my lips on to his. He kissed me with love and affection. He placed his hand behind my head and slowly stroked my neck. After a few moments I slowly pulled away and smiled. He grinned at me. "Yes," I whispered.

This is my new love tree.

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