Public peeing

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"Jake..." I knocked timidly on his dorm room door.
There was no answer.
I cautiously opened the door to find my dark haired boyfriend lying flat on his chest on his bed wearing only his black Calvin Klein boxers. His face was turned away from me and his arm lay limp hanging off the bed, with a tissue loosely gripped in his brown hand.
"B...babe," I called out nervously, awaiting a response. A deep grunt came from his tired body. I rushed over to his side and knelt down next to him. His cheeks were damp from tears and his eyes were half closed and glassy. "Hey," I whispered, taking his hand in mine and stroked it gently.
"Ughhh, I'm not in the mood Eden!" Jake grumbled.  "Go to lunch!"
I gulped back a lump in my throat and brushed a tear from my eyes, "okay..." I whispered, walking towards the door.
"What do you want me to say Eden!" Jake exclaimed, sitting up on his bed, glaring at me. "You snogged my best friend!! I saw it with my own eyes!" Jake exclaimed with a hurt expression. I looked down with guilt and sorrow, "I'm... I'm sorry Jake, it was just a stupid game, I can explain..."
The loud tutor bell echoed around us, and the sound of student footsteps started to clatter down the halls and corridors. He shook his head, "I need to take a shower, go to tutor Eden!" And with that, Jake walked into the bathroom and slammed the door.

It was my first ever swimming class at Ashford Boarding Academy that afternoon and I hurried to my dorm in excitement to get ready for the lesson. I looked through my selection of bikinis and swimwear and picked out a strapless baby blue bikini with silver diamonds scattered over it.
After squeezing into the slightly too small bikini and wrapping myself in my huge pink towel, I headed down towards the school swimming pool.
As I reached the pool, I found the rest of the students lined up talking quietly, also wrapped in their own towels. As I searched the crowd silently, I felt a prod on my arm and my petite friend Lilly stood next to me. "Heya Eden," she smiled, giving me an awkward wave. I grinned back at her, "I'm so excited for this!"
"Really?" she questioned me, "the lessons really aren't that good! Quite a lot of messing round in the pool and people being stupid!" I let out a short laugh and smiled, "perfect! This is gonna be great!"

"OKAY CLASS, I WILL QUICKLY RUN THROUGH THE RULES AND THEN WE CAN START!" Miss Titely bellowed, standing in front of us in her large red swimming suit and purple towel.

A view I certainly don't want to see in the near future.

Callum sent me a wink and gesticulated towards the huge teacher from the other side of the pool. Confused, I stared at her, trying to work out what I'd missed.
And then suddenly I remembered.
The prank.
The revenge.
The urine sample.
Her swimsuit.

"This is gonna be a bloody good lesson," I whispered. Lilly gave me a confused, questioning look.
So I explained everything.
The prank.
The revenge.
The urine sample.
Her swimsuit.
"For crying out loud, are you serious? No way did you do that!"
Miss Titely interrupted us and yelled, "NO DIVING, NO BOMBING, NO RUNNING AND NO SPLASHING!!"
In unison all the students then unwrapped their towels and to my horror, they were all wearing identical swimsuits. The boys were all wearing navy swimming trunks and the girls were all wearing navy swimming costumes, both with the school logo on.
Miss Titely's head snapped round to face me and she shouted, "MISS TAYLOR!! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU WEARING?" I stood awkwardly on the side of the pool as everybody stared at me, several loud wolf whistles echoed from where the other students were standing. "Umm," I stuttered, "I didn't know there was a swimming uniform."
"OF COURSE THERE'S A SWIMMING UNIFORM! GO GET ONE FROM MY OFFICE IMMEDIATELY... actually on second thoughts we don't want to be wasting lesson time." I stood nervously, suddenly very self-conscious, I fiddled with the small diamonds on my bikini. "Yes," Miss Titely decided, "I supposed you'll have to swim in... that for now, go to collect a costume immediately after this, understood?" I nodded enthusiastically and joined a proud looking Eva in the pool side. "Aww I'm so proud of you Eden!" Eva exclaimed with a huge grin plastered on her face, "even I haven't ever wore a bikini for a swimming lesson!" I rolled my eyes and smiles back at her.
I am surprised!

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