The Truth Is Coming

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"Wait you have how many sisters?" I asked Jake as we dangled our legs into the cool water. "5 and two brothers!! We all used to live together in a 2 bedroom house," he laughed.

"I've only got one sister but we never really got on much," I sighed. He squeezed my hand and smiled at me in encouragement, "How come babes." I let a tear slip as I kicked the water beneath me,

"I made the mistake of committing my life to a prick back at home, barely saw my family, now my 6 year old sister is growing up without an older sister who cares.

Whenever she saw me she would hug me tight and tell me she missed me." I let out a small sob, Jake pulled me on to his lap and wiped away my tears. "Last week, the day when I was leaving to come here, she came to me and held my hand tight and said 'I hope you make some nice fwriends and maybe I could come live with you too one day," more tears slid down my cheeks. Jake squeezed my hand

"Do you wanna talk about the guy babes or we could just head for maths." I hadn't talked to anyone about what happened, the nurses and my family thought I just passed out. "Guy, he was a bloody bi..." Jake's hand shot to my mouth and looked around with a worrisome expression. "Don't swear in public babes, we get on cleaning duty for a week otherwise. Ok why do you hate him." I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder, "I guess I thought.... I thought I was the only flower in his garden, but I was wrong."

A loud bell echoed around us, I wiped away the tears and slowly stood up. "It's ok," Jake whispered, pulling me to me feet. "Let's go to maths, yeah."

I was placed next to Eva and an unknown boy, he was tall with smart uniform, floppy brown hair and a friendly vibe. She scowled at me and crossed her arms in a furious manner. "Look Eva, I'm sorry ok," I whispered. She ignored my comment and picked up her pen and wrote on her hand. She wrote 'love C' but quickly scribbled out the C and changed it to Luke.

"Does Luke know about you and Cal..." she glared at me and looked around "No," she said firmly "and he's not going to." I felt a stab in my heart, I've been his shoes before. "How could you do that to him," I spat at her. "You selfish bi... girl."

The boy next to me nudged me, "hi Hun, you're new yeah?" I nodded and stole my glare from Eva. He grabbed my wrist in a sudden urge and started singing. I rolled my eyes and smiled, "I'm Ethan by the way Hun."

Maths was followed by science. I was placed next to Luke who immediately looked away as I sat next to him.
"Hey," I uttered and he mumbled back a 'hi.' "Look I'm sorry for you coming in on me and Jake but..." he cut me off, "yeah I know but I'm cool okay. Anyway I'm dating the gorgeous Eva, so I'm sweet." He smirked at me and continued writing. I gulped, I looked down at his smiling happy face and felt guilty.

I knew that the truth would hurt him more than lies. But I also knew that the truth always finds a way of getting to you one way or the other, and the truth was very much on the way to Luke.

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