4~Marcus, science hassle

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(don't ask me tf are those last names pls)

Marcus's pov.

,,This bitch." I whispered in the air. I hugged Drew and we were like this for a while. ,,Can I call her?" I asked and looked at Drew. He sighed and wipped his tears away. ,,Please don't. I want to talk to her by myself. Please." He smiled, even though it was fake. ,,Okay."

,,And you know what? She kinda helped me. Even though I'll be alone. I don't care!" Drew smiled. I was kinda shocked. He wanted to break up with her? ,,You wanted to break up with her?" I asked. ,,Actually, yeah!" He said confidently. He looked like he really means it, I don't believe him.

He stood up. ,,Now, go to sleep." He said and came to me. ,,Why? It's only quarter to eight?" He then started pushing me to the door. ,,I'm sure you must be really tired!" ,,I'm not?" ,,No, you should go to sleep, you had a big day today!" I was now standing in the hall way. ,,Drew I swear I'm not ti-" And he shut the door. ,,-red..."


Drew's pov.

I shut the door and locked them. I took that diary from the closet and started writing.

4/17/23 Hey there, Diary?
Today was officially the worst day of my life. The school was boring, but that's beside the point. So, today many things happened, like Jake yelling and breaking our friendship, then Zoey cheating on me, and the fact that Jake and Daisy are dating? That really broke my heart. I think I'll kill myself soon...

I read it again and erased the last sentence.

Now the only thing that really keeps me here are the two idiots and my siblings. Sometimes I just...

Tears started falling on the paper.

... wish I was someone else. :(

I done writing and threw the diary under my bed and stood up. I took an oversized shirt from my closet and put it on. I laid in my bed with my face on a pillow. Even though it was hard I eventually fell asleep.

Time skip to school

I walked through the main gate and went to find Mama simp and Lettuce-chan wannabe, but unfortunately failed. I looked everywhere, where tf they are? I thought. Then the bell rang and I went to the science class, and I found the two idiots there.

,,Ok class, today you're gonna be divided into pairs and then I'll explain it later so..." The teacher announced and started making pairs. I didn't really bothered listening until she called my name. ,,Andrew Parker and Jake Sterling." We both looked at each other. ,,Lia Whitlock and Zoey Hart." I guess Jake saw an opportunity to swap and raised his hand. ,,Yes, Jake?"

,,Could I swap with Zoey so I could be with Lia, please?" He asked. ,,Actually, could I swap with Zoey?" I objected. Jake looked at me confused. ,,I thought you would like to be with your girlfriend." ,,She's not my girlfriend." ,,She's not?" ,,I'm not?" Zoey joined our conversation. ,,No, you literally cheated on me yesterday." ,,I did not?!" She said a bit louder. ,,The fuck you did." Liam joined too.

,,OK THAT'S ENOUGH! YOU FOUR TO THE PRINCIPAL OFFICE!" The teacher yelled louder then ever. We all stood up and exited the classroom.

,,Damn girl, who spat in your cereal?" Henry mumbled for himself. Then he realized what he just said. ,,AND YOU ARE GOING WITH THEM MR.DAVIS!" She yelled.

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