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Liam's pov.

I woke up at like 4AM with a headache. People would say that it's normal since I'm sick, but I only have headaches when something happens. I checked my phone. 1 message from Drew. I read it and immediately got on my feet. Shit. He didn't listen, did he? I looked at our private chat since he sent me something more. ,,Sakura tree? What does he mean by tha-? THE SAKURA AT OUR SCHOOL!" I realized.

I quickly changed and ran out of the house in the direction to the Rose Meadow high school. I jumped over the gate and ran to the sakura when I saw a hanging body on the other side on the tree. I feared, holding my tears back. Drew you idiot! You fucking idiot!

I messaged Daisy about the body and called 911. They arrived after a while and started asking me questions like ,,How did I found him here." and ,,When did he texted me."

As soon as they finished asking I gave them my number if they needed anything about Drew and went home. I didn't want to see Drew like this for another minute. I called Henry if I could stay at his place.

I knocked on the door and Henry opened them. I hugged him and my held tears started to fall down. ,,L-Liam! What happened?!" He pulled away and held me by my shoulders to pull me a bit down and look me properly in the eyes. ,,D-Drew, he... he..." I stuttered out. He sighed. ,,Let's go inside and we'll talk there, ok?" He tried to calm me down and grabbed my hand, pulling me inside and in his bedroom. We sat on the bed and he grabbed my hand once again, this time more carefully.

,,Now Liam take a deep breath. And tell me what happened." He looked me deep in the eyes. I did what he told me to and started talking. ,,So you know Jake is in hospital, right?" ,,Yeah, we've been there few times, why? Did something happen to him?" He asked.

,,So basically his heart stopped beating yesterday and they completely lost him. And... and Drew was super sad about it, so he... he." My eyes started to water little again. ,,He hanged himself in the school garden..." I said quickly and wiped the tears away. Henry's eyes widen. ,,HE WHAT?!"

I looked at him again and he looked at me. ,,Liam tell me you're joking..." He said in a serious but feared voice. I shook my head and then my phone started ringing. I picked it up and it was Daisy. ,,LIAM TELL ME YOU'RE JOKING. HE WOULDN'T DO THAT!" Daisy yelled at me through the phone. ,,I'm not Daisy. Sadly im not. He did it for Jake..." I said quietly. Meanwhile Henry started crying and hugged me tight. I hugged him back with one hand while holding the phone in the other.

,,I suppose they'll mention it on the news, so go and watch that I didn't lie." I said. ,,No... This can't be..." Daisy sounded like she started crying. She then needed to go so I hung up and laid in the bed with still crying Henry in my arms.

I caressed his hair and calmed him down until he fell asleep. I kissed him on forehead and sighed, hugging him even more and eventually falling asleep too.


After a month our two now dead friends had their funeral. I'm happy that they allowed them to have the graves next to each other, but that was the only thing that made me smile a little in the past month. It's a day after their funeral and me and Henry are now at the cemetery...

I was sitting next to their graves, placing another candle on Drew's one. I wanted him to feel a bit more special since he had much less candles and flowers on his side of the grave, but it doesn't matter when he's dead, right? I stood up put little lids on all of the candles that were there, because it was meant to start raining soon, and I wanted them to burn for the longest time they could.

I grabbed Henry's hand and looked at the tombstones one last time today before we walked away from there. ,,Hey Liam, I know you loved them with your heart, but you need to cheer up one day." Henry said. He looked really worried about my mental health, and I don't blame him, I really looked like a disaster from the day Drew left.

I sighed and stopped. He looked at me confused. I hugged him. ,,I will darling. I just need time..." I whispered and rested my head on his shoulder. I felt how he smiled a little and hugged me back. ,,Okay..."

I suddenly felt someone watching us so I looked around, but apparently we were the only ones who were in the street. Ghosts maybe? Nah, they don't exist, right? I shook the feeling off and we pulled apart and went to Henry's house.


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