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Drew's pov.

We arrived to the hospital and they took Jake away from me and I sat in the waiting room. I kept texting with Liam, Henry and Daisy to keep my cool to minimum.


Mama simp😏💀:
Everything ok, Drew?

I'm ok, thanks
They just took Jake away like 30 mins ago
Kinda hurts tbh

I'm sure he'll be ok Drew!

Lettuce-chan wannabe🥶:
Yeah Drew, he'll be fine!

I hope not lol

Drewy-bear😻 removed Claire's🛐 from the group chat.

I forgot that bitch was here
Guys I gtg


I was texting with them when they called me to Jake. I took a deep breath and went there. I came to the room Jake was laying in and opened the door carefully. There was one doctor.

,,Oh, nice to meet you Mr.Parker. I have some bad news for you. Mr.Sterling is in coma, we don't have high hopes with surviving, it was pretty high building. But you know what they say, miracles comes in the time we need them the most." The doctor said and my eyes widen. I started breathing heavily. ,,T-thanks for the information." I said and he left.

There was a chair next to the bed Jake was laying on, so a sat there and took Jake's hand carefully. I sat there for hours looking at Jake, waiting for him to move, but nothing. Then, him mom and brother rushed into the room. ,,Is my baby ok?!" She panicked.

,,He's in coma now, the doctor said he might not woke up, but miracles happen, right?" I said technically the same thing as I was told, not letting my eyes off Jake. I cried so many times before they came, so my eyes looked like they'll dry up and fall from their place.

,,M-my baby..." Jake's mom teared up and took Jake's other hand, since I refused to give her his right hand that I was holding. Milo stood next to me.

,,What happened to him?" He asked. I cleared my throat and started explaining. ,,Today one of the girls asked me out, bot I rejected her since I liked Jake, so her psycho brain decided to just push Jake from the top of our school." I said coldly. They both turned to me with their eyes widen. ,,You like Jake?" Milo asked. ,,Yeah, guess that doesn't matter anymore." I answered and looked back at Jake. Suddenly he held my hand a bit tighter. ,,Jake?"


Jake's pov.

I closed my eyes while falling when I felt the ground...

Suddenly I woke up in complete dark. I looked around, but saw nothing. But I heard voices. Or one voice. Drew's. I remember hearing him when falling. I heard some things from the call and then it was dead silent.

Suddenly a big screen appeared in front of me. There was the doctor and Drew talking. ,,Are you his boyfriend?" The doctor asked. ,,N-no I'm not." Drew answered with pink cheeks. The doctor chuckled. I was super confused. What is going on? Then another screen appeared and then another.

After a few more everything stopped and I only heard their voices. I felt something warming up my right hand. ,,What happened to him?" I heard Milo ask. I would like to know too. I thought. ,,Today one of the girls asked me out, bot I rejected her since I liked Jake, so her psycho brain decided to just push Jake from the top of our school." Drew said and my face turned red as fuck. ,,H-he likes me?! How could I never knew?!" I asked myself.

I tried to move but I couldn't, the only thing I could do is move my hand a little bit, so I squeezed my right hand as much as I could, because I felt someone was holding it. It was Drew...

I really speedrun this like Dream today 💀💀

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