15~Confession, exactly two

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Drew's pov.

Weeks flew by and the day was getting closer and closer. Me and Jake were ignoring each other if it wasn't necessary, Henry got back to school after a few days of being in Liam's care, Claire and I got closer than I thought, I even told her my crush. Daisy started coming to my house almost everyday when there were no head girl duties, and after three weeks of organizing, the day finally came...

I woke up with a little headache, but that didn't stop me from going to school today, because I didn't want to miss what we were planing for almost a month. So I got up, did everything I needed, packed all of the flags and went out of the house where was Daisy waiting for me. I came to her and we walked to school together. I was super nervous, I don't even know why.

As we arrived to school, I looked around the garden and saw so many people with pride flags, hats, etc., which made me happy and surprised at the same time.

We went to find Liam and Henry to give them their flags, so we went to the sakura. We walked closer and we saw them standing, Liam holding a green teddy bear. We hid behind some bush and kept spectating them. We even heard their conversation.

,,Henry, we've known each other for a long time now, around 4 years exactly, and I wanted you to know that... I-..." Liam struggled to find the right words. ,,That I liked you from the moment I first saw you. Through all these years I kept making jokes about woman because I wanted to hide my sexuality from this world, but that's beside the point right now. I love you more than anything else in this shitty world and.. I wanted to ask you something Henry Davis." Liam made a dramatic pause. Both their faces were red like two tomatoes.

,,Henry, will you be my boyfriend?" Liam finally asked after all these years of me being his therapy friend. Henry's eyes looked like two dams they were about to break. ,,Liam..." He said with his voice shaking. He suddenly hugged Liam and his eyes teared up. ,,Yes Liam! I'll be your boyfriend!" He screamed happily in his, now boyfriends chest. Liam hugged him back and placed his chin on top of Henry's head with big happy smile.

,,Dude that was cringe I thought you'd do it better after these years." I shouted at Liam and got out of our hide out, walking closer to them. ,,Oh man I'm sorry, at least I didn't have to embarrass myself on stage to get some gold digger to like me." Liam objected. He shrugged his shoulders and gave that teddy to Henry, still hugging him. ,,Oh you gotta take that back or I'll-" I threatened him but Henry stopped me. ,,Drew shut up."

Daisy started laughing silently. ,,I see we missed a confession, didn't we?" Zoey appeared from nowhere with Lia holding her hand, both having a lesbian or bi pins on their shirts.

,,Oh, you two are dating?" Daisy asked with a bright smile on her face. Zoey nodded. ,,Congratulations, I guess." I said, little smile on my face. I'm happy for them, especially Zoey. I'm glad she found someone who she loved and was loved back. I said to myself.

I then gave them the flags and we started walking to the school, when we met Claire with a trans cap on her head. ,,Hey Drew! Can I talk to you for a second? Alone." She asked while smiling. I looked at Liam and he shrugged. I then agreed and we went to an empty classroom.

,,So Drew I wanted you to know that... That I liked you for a while now and that I would like to ask you a question now." She spoke with her cheeks red and my eyes widen. Is she really here to confess to me?! Doesn't she know that I'm gay?! There appeared a red warning light in my head, spinning round and round, popping so many questions at the same time. ,,Claire I..."

Her eyes looked in mine and she waited furiously for my answer. ,,I think you don't understand. I'm... I'm not straight at all. I don't like you like that! I like you as a friend, as a good friend, I never saw you like that." I said in guilt, my head thinking it was all my fault, not wanting to reject her like that. ,,O-oh. It's ok... Really..." Her face drowned in sadness. Shit it's my fault, isn't it?

After what happened I came back to the group, who were waiting in another classroom. I entered the classroom and they all turned to me. ,,So how it went? What she wanted?" Henry asked, sitting on a random table. ,,I guess I fucked up." I said feeling guilty. I sat on a chair, put my elbows on my thighs and put my chin on my hands. Daisy came closer to me. ,,Why Drew?" She asked in her typical warm, caring voice.

,,She asked me out." I said quietly. Liam's and Daisy's eyes widen. ,,She did what?!" They said in sync. ,,Yeah, she did..."

,,Well I mean it's not your fault." Zoey joined our conversation. I looked at her confused. ,,What? I mean she did liked you, you did nothing wrong, she fucked up your friendship or whatever." She explained. ,,I agree with her." Henry pointed at her.

,,I suppose it's true, but still. I loved spending time with her." I said sadly. ,,Hey not to ruin your already sad mood, but she was a total pick me." Liam mumbled. ,,Yeah she totally was." Zoey agreed. ,,She wouldn't be friends with you if you weren't this good looking. I mean look at yourself!" Lia added. ,,Am I?" I asked.

,,Dude of course you are! I'm sure like every not lesbian girl in this school had a crush on you at some point!" Henry said confidently and I chuckled. ,,Well thanks guys."


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