16~Saw his fall

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Claire's pov.

Drew... He rejected me... Why?! I thought we were feeling the same, then why is he like this! This... This is all Jake's fault! Drew likes him, so it's definitely his fault! What is so charming about him anyway? He's just a normal teenage boy, like everyone here, except Drew, he's an angel! Hot angel!

I saw Jake walking past me so I followed him. To the rooftop? Why is he going there? Then a brilliant idea popped into my head. That it! When there will be no Jake, Drew will have to be with me! Oh my god I'm so smart! I came on the rooftop and found Jake sitting on the on the edge of the roof which didn't have the fence on it. I hesitated, but then I slowly came to him, when he suddenly turned to me. I panicked.

,,O-oh hey Jake! Can I sit here next to you?" I asked in panic. He looked confused. ,,Sure." He said after a while. I sat beside him and looked around the city. I must admit that this school is really high. This is the fourth floor I think?

I cleared my throat. ,,So Jake, you're trans too right?" I asked. He turned to me. ,,What? Oh yeah I am." He said unimpressed in this conversation. He's lost in his thoughts huh? Maybe it's the right time.

I waited for the moment he looked at the sky, lost in his thoughts. I quite didn't know how to push him down, so I stood up. He was sitting on the very end of the building so I was ready to push him down, when he stood up too.

,,You like Drew, don't you?" He asked randomly, still looking down the building. ,,Can you fly?" I asked back.

,,What?" He chuckled. ,,Here I'll teach you!" I said loudly and cutely pushed him down. ,,JAKE WATCH OUT!"


Drew's pov.

I decided to talk to Jake after these past weeks, so I went to find him. I tried every classroom, the bathrooms and even the music room, but he was nowhere to find. Then I remembered that he always went to the rooftop, so I slowly walked there.

I opened the roof door and looked around. I saw Jake and Claire standing on the edge with no fence on it. My eyes widen. Claire put her hands on Jake's back and before Jake could do anything, she pushed him of the roof. ,,JAKE WATCH OUT!" I yelled as I ran to them to save Jake, but as I stopped at the very edge seeing Jake fall. My eyes watered instantly. I grabbed Claire by a collar of her hoodie. ,,WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I yelled, tears running down my cheeks.

,,WHAT?! I NEEDED TO GET RID OF HIM SO YOU'D LIKE ME!" She yelled back. ,,Oh, so that's what you wanted. BUT STILL, IT'S NOT NORMAL TO JUST PUSH SOMEONE FROM FUCKING FOURTH FLOOR! I WOULD THROW YOU THERE TOO BUT I'M NOT A PSYCHOPATH LIKE YOU!" I yelled and ran down stairs to the classroom we were before, because I left my phone there.

As I ran thought the halls, people were looking weirdly at me, like why tf do I cry. I ran to the room, took the phone and started calling 911. I ran outside, Liam, Daisy and others following me.

,,991,what is your emergency?" They asked. ,,M-my friend fell from the roof of the Rose meadow high school!" I explained while running to the place I expected Jake might be. I heard Liam and Henry yell in sync. ,,HE WHAT?!"

,,Ok we're sending help right now, I'm Sarah, please tell me your name and age." She said. ,,Andrew Parker, 17." I said and finally came to Jake. I got on my knees and sat beside him, not knowing what to do. Others stood beside me. ,,Oh my god..." Daisy whispered. ,,And name of injured?" Sarah asked again. ,,Jake Sterling. 16 years." I answered. Suddenly it started raining.

When the ambulance arrived and took Jake, they asked me to go with them, so I did.

,,So are you his boyfriend or?" The doctor asked. My cheeks went little red. ,,N-no I'm not." I forced a little smile.


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