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Hailey's pov.

As the bell rang, Drew immediately grabbed his things and left the classroom, when one of his books fell from his bag. Zander immediately grabbed it and hide it. When Drew left completely, Zander opened the book and started reading it, finding out what was it. ,,Ain't no way!" He covered his mouth with his hand. ,,His diary is named Buddy?!" He burst out laughing and his eyes sparkled.

,,Hey babe, I know you quite hate him, but isn't this a bit over a line?" Luke asked carefully. Zander threw a death stare at him and Luke backed up. ,,Sorry." He mumbled.

Zander took the diary and and put it in his backpack. We then went to our lockers and Zander started reading the diary. A smirk appeared on his face. ,,Ain't no way!" He whisper yelled and I looked over his shoulder to see and started reading.

9/28/22 Hey there, Diary?
Today I discovered something. That I might be gay. I know that I'm not straight, because yk I never really had a girlfriend except for Zoey, and they never were that attractive to me. And if I remember correctly I had a crush on some guy in elementary school. I might discover more but now I'm tired so bye there...

10/2/22 Hey again, Buddy...
Today I confirmed the fact above. When we went to the mall with Jomies today, we were trying on some suits. And Jake looked hot as hell. Like literally. Whaaat... How can someone like Jake look so... hot? ig

I was kinda shocked at the last few sentences. Like how can someone have a crush on their best friend? Oh wait, Zander does. Then that makes sence. But Drew being gay? I don't know if I can believe that.

,,Ok now I'm done." Zander suddenly spoke. I jumped a bit. I wasn't expecting that somehow. Zander close the diary and put it back to his backpack and we finally went home.


Drew's pov.

As I finally arrived home I heard Mom and Dad arguing in living room. I went upstairs to check on my siblings to see if they were okay. I went to the boys room first. I opened the door and found Marcus on his bed with headphones and Aaron sleeping.

Good. I relieved and went to Lara's room, only to find her crying. ,,Lara?" I said carefully. ,,D-drew? I-is that y-you?" She asked and looked at me from under the blanket. I came closer to her and sat on the edge of her bed. She wiped the tears away and hugged me as tight as she could, witch wasn't that much.

,,D-drew can you stop them please? They were arguing since we came home, a-and you know I hate t-that!" She was sobbing on my hoodie as more and more tears came to her eyes. ,,Shhh..." I tried to comfort her.

As she stopped crying I stood up and went down stairs. I quietly went to the living room, but stopped at the door and listened.

,,CAN'T YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE?!" My dad shouted. ,,HE'S WORTH NOTHING! AT HIS 17 YEARS OF LIVE HE HAD DONE NOTHING! HE'S USELESS!" Mom shouted back. 17 year old? Does she mean me? I thought. ,,DREW IS NOT USELESS!" Yea, definitely me. I heard a slap. My eyes widen. I quickly hid behind a cabinet as mom walked from the room and went to their bedroom. I came to dad and hugged him to comfort him, but he pushed me away. ,,This is all your fault." He said coldly, and walked away.

I started breathing heavily. I ran to my room and locked the door, tears falling down my cheeks. I leaned against the door and began to slide down.

I grabbed my bag and tried to find Buddy. ,,No... No. This can't be happening?! Where is he?!" I whisper yelled and teared up even more. Where did I put him? I swear I packed him with me. Where is the fucking book?! I started panicking.

Then I remember. Something fell from my bag when I was leaving the English class. So that means that... Zander has it?! Oh no! No no no! This can't be happening. My vision started getting blurry. I felt like I'll faint soon.

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