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-- -- -- Marley Van der Berg -- -- --

"what do you want, jahseh?" i frowned as i propped my phone on the sink. he had irritated me bh making me feel stupid. i wasn't sure what i was gonna do if he started facetiming and stuff. my mind didn't think that far. i just knew i liked him so i didn't think about anything else.

"you." he smiled, and for once he wasn't wearing his golden grills. "say my name again, that shit cute."

my eyes rolled to the back of my head. "okay, jahseh."

"you mad cause i exposed you?" he cackled, the corners of his eyes creasing. "it's not even that deep, calm down."

"you made me feel dumb." i scratched my shoulder, staring at the dark circles under my eyes. lilith kept me up with all the noise she'd been making with her friends.

jahseh shrugged. "i was gone find out anyway. why you ain't just say it was you from the start?"

"i don't know... i thought you would think i was stuck up because of my followers or some shit i don't know."

"i have more followers than you." he chuckled. "and that shit don't mean nothing."

"mkay." i hummed.

my heart felt tight. quite honestly i was so nervous, i actually liked him and the day before he was being weird which worried me. i thought he actually hated me for a second.

"where you goin'?" he asked, laying down.

"nowhere, i just cant sleep."

"want me to tell you a bedtime story so yo puss ass can go to sleep?"

giggling, i shook my head. "no i'm gonna take a shower and get ready."

"don't hang up." his eyebrows pinched together as he frowned.

"i have to shower jahseh." i shook my head a little, still giggling. he had issues if he thought i was gonna let him watch me shower.

he sighed. "i'm bein serious. just turn the camera off."

for some reason i gave in. "okay."

while i showered, jahseh talked to me about his day. he hung out with stoke, the other guy in the group chat, and some of his friends, and they all went to the mall. he bought some louis vuitton belts and some expensive sounding jeans. sometimes he would get quiet and i would think he was asleep but he wasn't. i'd go "are you up?" and he'd say "yeah i'm just thinking" in a low voice.

his voice was nice, it fit the way he looked. jahseh was obviously an aggressive person, i could tell by the things he said and the photos he posted, but he didn't really seem that bad when i was talking to him.

i washed my hair and got out of the shower, being careful not to get water in the charging port of my phone. "im done."

"wow sherlock, i couldn't tell." he said sarcastically.

"you're annoying, you know?" i grimaced at the screen as i turned my camera back on.

"yeah, why you think im by myself." he scratched his hair. "i like bein alone but sometimes that shit fucks me up."

"so go out." i said dropping my phone on my bed so i could get dressed.

he let out a small humorless laugh. "i always feel alone, babygirl."

"and thats why you've got it as a face tatt?" i asked. it was a pretty tattoo above his eyebrow with a swirl detail trailing out from the A.


i quickly wiggled into my underwear and clipped my bra on before throwing on an oversized hoodie. i tossed all my hair products in my bed then i leaned my phone against a pillow so i could see him again. "how does it make you feel? knowin that people are starin at you?"

he must've got a lot of attention, back in manchester i barely saw people with tattoos on their face. and i knew jahseh made somewhat incriminating music which was also weird to me. the guys who made drill rap back home always wore masks to hide their identities. i guess the confusing part was that he was openly making the music he did.

"i don't know. i like attention, negative, positive, i couldn't give a fuck." jahseh said. "so i guess i dont care."

"you're an attention whore... good to know." i smiled, rubbing moisturizer into a section of hair. "what else should i know?"

"well one time i fucked this hoe in an alley and her ass smelled like shit."

"wait!" for a second i struggled to catch my breath. there was so much to process just from that one sentence. "bloody hell my lungs burn!"

he looked at me with a little smile.

"i have so many questions, you fucked a girl in an alley, why? if she smelled bad why'd you-"

"i needed to nut bro, after that i dipped."

"you're a mess you know."


Poundz House😳

liked by fuckjahseh, limoswotz and 20,721 others90210marley // my hairs still wet and im breaking out but apparently i needed to post how i did my makeup

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liked by fuckjahseh, limoswotz and 20,721 others
90210marley // my hairs still wet and im breaking out but apparently i needed to post how i did my makeup...🙄

user1 ur highlight is popping sis
user2 pretty
user3 🤤😍
limoswitz we luv a natural kween !! 🖐🏽🖤😚
>> 90210marley love you :)
fuckjahseh imy bby
fuckjahseh call me back fuck head
>> 90210marley go to sleep
>> fuckjahseh i cant i wanna see yo face
>> 90210marley im busy babe
>> fuckjahseh five minutes
>> 90210marley i'll call you in ten k?
>> fuckjahseh ight 😞
>> user4 are they dating
>> user5 i think so
>> user6 he's ugly tho..
>> fuckjahseh you talm big shit behind a private account puss ass lil girl,

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