messages privés dix

14 3 1

-- -- -- messages privés dix -- -- --

limoswitz :
i heard ur new song 👉🏼👈🏼

rugrat_stoke :
you like it mama ? 👉🏾👈🏾😳

limoswitz :
duh ! usually i dont listen to music like that
but it was actually good
im a lil shook

rugrat_stoke :
whatchu usually listen to then

limoswitz :
uhm idk actually,
it depends rn im listening to tons a russian artist
but i dont listen to alot of american music unless im staying there

rugrat_stoke :
you move a lot?

limoswitz :
define a lot

rugrat_stoke :
nigga a lot

limoswitz :
ig so, i move every few months

rugrat_stoke :
so where you at now?

limoswitz :
its really pretty this time of year

rugrat_stoke :
damn thas far from me ...

limoswitz :
idk you wanted me to be close..😳👀

rugrat_stoke :
i mean why not?
you coo

limoswitz :
yeah i am arent i?
ur cool too mr. carmichael ;)

rugrat_stoke :
im bout to gts
i'ma text you later princess

limoswitz :
mkay, sleep well stoke 🖤

(this the last chapter i wrote me thinks. if i find more i'll post it but, like i mentioned, i was just posting this to clear out my drafts. check out my other stuff i guess. thanks. byeeee!)

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