messages privés une

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-- -- -- messages privés une -- -- --

limoswitz :
hey r u ok!?
i saw ur recent
u moved??

90210marley :
hey, yeah my familys moved to france
mums gotta new bf n allat junk
idk ive been havin trouble settlin mostly

limoswitz :
oh girl france is way cool
u'll luv it!!
i actually lived there a few months ago
tons of cool lil shoppes n food places!!!
im so excited for u!!

90210marley :
you lived in france!? that's grand
i'll take a look this weekend and see whats around. :)

limoswitz :
yeah, u should!!
also ur moms got a new bf?
is he like a prick or sum?

90210marley :
i wouldn't know, barely spoken to the guy tbh.
just learned his name today and they've been dating for about a month.

limoswitz :
oh thats kinda wild...
just today?
did u just meet him...?

90210marley :
haha nope, hes been living with us for a bit
only ever talks to my mum tho, so idk
i guess hes fine, stays outta my way

limoswitz :
wooah i could never imagine not knowing someones name yk?
btw im jun hi lol

90210marley :
im marley, like bob marley 😳
but yeah i get you, me and my bro just call him 'potential dad' lmfao.

limoswitz :
omg srsly!? thats hilarious☠
and bob marleys way cool!!!
way to be named after a legend

90210marley :
hey what can i say? 😎
but ive gotta go, the bus is here and ive gotta head to the shops for dinner
talk later :)

limoswitz liked a message sent by 90210marley

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