37- Change of plans

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Aaron's P.O.V.

I cut the meeting short and hurried back into the house and looked around. Thea must still be gone.

Kevin walked over to us, "Aaron, I have a bad feeling about this. I think maybe you should hold off on tomorrow's take down."

"We were just talking about that. Something isn't right, that's why I sent more men to Thea. We're heading over now, you want to come?"


We were about to head out when I got a call from one of the guards. "What?"

"Boss, we got company. It's Mrs. Hales' boss and Captain Gray."

What the fuck were they here for?

"Thea said there's a lead that Gray could be crooked. Let them in but be advised."

"Yes sir."

I hung up and turned towards the girls. "Sofia, take Noah and Annie to my safe room."


"Go, Sofia." I demanded.

Derek and Kevin went over, trying to get the girls to listen. They kissed them before the three ran over to the safe room.

We all grabbed our weapons and had them visible as Briggs and Gray walked in the house, surprised to see Kevin.

"Why are you here?"

Briggs stepped forward, "We need to speak with Thea."

"She isn't here."

Gray came forward with a folder. "You need to get back here as soon as possible. She's not safe."

I walked forward until I was standing in front of Gray, doing everything in my power to kill this man. "That's funny. She left here to follow up on a lead proving you're a dirty cop."

"What?" Gray looked genuinely confused... and my heart fucking started beating faster. I could read people and something told me Gray had no idea what I was talking about and Thea was walking herself into a trap.

"I'm not dirty. I swear. We came here as soon as Torres called me. Miguel escaped custody a few hours ago. When they checked Miguel's bunk they found this..." he handed me a picture. "He was etching Thea's name into the wall next to his bed."

I clenched my jaw as he continued. "And the prison where the men that murdered Thea's family were being held. The guards did a sketch of the woman that used Thea's ID badge a few days ago." He flipped over the picture. "That's Margaret Scott. One of her homicide partners."

I was numb.

"Where is Thea?" Briggs asked again.

"That woman's house." I turned around and was about to call Beck but he called me first.

"Please tell me you are on your way home with Thea!"

He was breathing heavily. "Aaron. She's gone."

I took a chair and whipped it across the house, shattering it into pieces. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, SHE'S GONE?"

"She had an earpiece in, when she said Miguel's name we all rushed in but it was too late. They took the roof and got into a helicopter."


I hung up the phone and looked back at Briggs and Gray. "You might want to leave because you're not going to want to see what I'm capable of."

"If it's possible, we'd like to stay."

I nodded and headed into my office.

Soon, everyone was back here and I had Tristan following the helicopter through satellites.

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