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∇𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒐𝒗Δ

Mom had left my room hours ago
The light from the moon peeked from behind my curtains as I shot up from my pillow. The sound of glass shattering and a small screech had made me look around the room with suspicion. I slowly climbed out of the bed and adjusted my night gown. It was a thin long dress that reached my shins. I walked to the balcony and looked around in the night sky. I expected to see scythe and Inizio but it was silent and empty of sound. I turned to the door and saw that it was creaked opened just slightly.
I looked around my room one last time making sure they weren't in here. I walked to the door and poked my head out. Their were no guards which I found interesting. I stepped into the hall and headed for my mother and father's room. Right as I turned the corner I heard screeches of pain coming from the large doors to the dragon pits. I saw the large doors slightly open, enough for someone to slip in so I did. The giant room left echo's and was lit with a few torches and the moon light that shown through the roof.

I turned to the center and saw my cousins with my dragons. They were tied down with chains and screeching g in pain. As aegon and aemond poked and prodded them with with the tips of swords. I gasped and they turned to see my freighted figure. Both of them stopped their pokes at my dragon and aegon began chuckling, Aemond just smirked.

"Leave them alone you jerks!"

I screamed at the top of my lungs. Aegon lifted his sword and pointed it at me.
"Or what weakling" I shook in my place trying to find anything I could use to fight them with. I saw a wooden stick on the ground and noticed it was the stick they tied goats to when they fed the dragons. I picked it up and held it up. It did have a sharp end that the dragon trainers used to stick in the ground so it would work enough to hurt them. They both let out a low laugh "no need to get so violent cousin, you could just take them back?" I glared at Aemond as they both stepped out of my way. I slowly walked up to them and then past them and quickly bent down and pet my dragon, comforting them and making sure they weren't hurt. To my sadness the blades had punctured their skin and made them bleed. I put my hand on the chains about to unlock them but I felt a strong pull on my hair. I was throw on the ground by my hair which was now a mess. I tightened my hold my wooden dagger. I held my self up by my hands which had been scratched by the ground. My dragons let out a loud screech that that made aegon and aemond turn and hit them with the flat part of their swords. They both turned to me and I had to look up at them as they stood tall over me "you really think it would be that easy, I don't let ugly peasants off with out a proper beating" my eyes widened as aegon had kicked my stomach I screamed in pain and curled up as they both kicked my hard. Aegon gripped my hair again and threw me towards my dragons. I landed on my side and both of my dragons went to my side and growled. They scoffed and slowly started approaching me. I saw Inizio and scythes mouth open and they screeched at them. But instead of a small and tiny screech that sounded it could have come from a dieing mouse, it sounded might and loud. Full of anger and emotion. Infact it was WAY to loud to come from six year old stunted baby dragons. The faces of Aemond and Aegon's changed from sinister to scared in a second. You then turned around and saw your one and only savior Amiron. She was not happy. You quickly unclipped scythe a Inizio from their chains and stood in pain. You ran to Amirons wing, she looked down at you with care and back to the boys with anger. She let out another horrifying roar and the two boys fell backwards. But Amiron was cut short from her murders intent by many guards holds lamps.

∇3𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐯Δ

They rushed over and you had noticed all of the adults. Alicent and your grandfather rushed to the front and alicent gasped and ran two her two sons "that dragon almost killed my boys!" You heard her scream "what were you two doing down here?" Your grandfather asked. you'd slowly walked out from amiron's wings and everyone's eyes were on my bleeding and bruised figure. Your mother and father approached you quickly. Your father just stood their giving you considering looks while your mother noticed my bleeding nose and bruised eye "they did this" you didn't pout nor did you yell. Only your parents knew who you were talking about. Your father glared at the two boys while your mother still wanted to make sure you were ok.

"It would seem both prince Aemond and prince aegon have caused this damage to my daughter, and her dragons" alicent took a quick breath in "Is what he says true aegon, Aemond" both boys glared at me.
"Where else could I have gotten this" you pointed to your bruised eye. Viserys slapped both aemond and aegon hard enough for and echo. The corner of your mouth pulled up into a smirk "to hurt your own fucking cousin, you disrespect the Targaryen name. Alicent take them to their room" The two boys were shocked as their mother slowly put her hand on both of their cheeks and walked them out of the dragon pits. Viserys left with everyone and your parents still took care of you "m-mom?" Your eyes turned down to the ground "aegon said I was ugly... I know everyone else thinks so but why do people have to be such assholes" daemond just smiled at your profanity while your mother let out a worried smile "my love your the most gourgous Targaryen in history" you smiled knowing it to be a lie but she always made you feel better. Those two bastards will one day regret what they did and they'll pay. Even if I have to do it myself" you laughed and your father picked you up. Amiron let out a small caring growl as she nuged her two Childern with her nose. They both whined and turned around to see that your father and mother were leaving with you in his arms. You had your head on daemond shoulder, you held your hands out towards Inizio and sytche. Both of them ran as fast of their little legs could and they jumped onto Daemons back and them wrapped themselves comfortably around your bruised arms.

Once in your room your father didn't tuck you back in but just sat you on your bed and then helped your mother take all of your clothes out of your closet and into a bag "mom? W-what are you doing?" Your mother looked at you and gave you a smile.
"We're leaving my dear tomorrow" I took a sharp breath in and then looked down to Inizio and sytche. They looked up at me and turned their heads to the side "where are we going?" Your father walked up to you and bent down "we are going to dragon stone. It would be better for Inizio and sytche to train and for you to finally learn what me and your mother intended to teach you year ago. We leave on dragon back tomorrow morning"
You Nodded slowly as you watched Inizio and sytche Begin to lay down in your lap. Your mother and father spent about a hour packing all the things and by the time the sun poked from the mountains you were on your dragons, of course you were with your mother on Amiron. Your things were on her back and so we're two small boxes covered by a deer hide that held sytche and Inizio. There yelps and growls made you worried but you knew they were fine. She looked ahead and tried to spot the the large island that she knew would be her home for a years to come, but when she did see the beaches and mountains come in view she knew she would be better in her birth place

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