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You made your way through the grass in heels and a dress. Jace and Luke were both next to you as you headed towards the grass fields. Once over the hill, the boys both gasped.

Scytch and Inizio both lay there not too far.

"By the gods..." Luke whispered under his breath. You smiled and pushed both before running full speed towards your dragons. The two behind you laughed and chased after you. They outran you as you were in a dress and made it closer before you ever could. The two dragons lifted their heads and watched you and the boys approach. Scytch's lips pulled back letting out a fierce growl "It's okay scythe. Their friend" Inizio lowered her head to Luke and shoved her nose in his stomach, pushing by accident "How are they so large? They're the same age as Vermax and Arrax but ten times the size" You smiled as you scratched Scytch's head "They are Amiron children. Who knows how large they'll get"

Luke nodded and smiled as Inizio demanded to get attention. Jace approached you and scythe carefully.

"You know...y/n. I missed you too much, when I heard you went missing I cried for days" You turned to look at Jace and gave him a sad smile "I missed you too Jace"

Jace approached you and grabbed both your hands "Y/n I-" You and Jace were suddenly interrupted by the sound of horses running your way. The men that sat on them wore heavy armor and helmets "Prince's, princess. Your being summoned" Jace released your hands and nodded towards the guards. You smiled when you saw Luke still playing with Inizio.

The three of you headed back to the castle and you could see your mother and father at the doors of the great hall "Ah, There you are, love. We thought you had gotten lost"

"I was able to find Jace and Luke, I went to go show them how Inizio and Scythe have grown" your mother smiled "I'm glad you were able to reconnect. Are you ready for the trial?" You nodded and the guards opened the doors. You walked with your mother and father past the men and women. Everyone was focused on you and your beauty. Your dress swayed as you walked and you could hear everyone whisper to each other about your return.

As you looked around the room you had somehow caught the eye of Aemond.

He stood tall in his black coat and you could see his scar poke out from the bottom and top of his eye patch. He looked so...


You pulled away from his gaze and shook your head. 'Handsome?' you asked yourself. That thought had come from the back of your head and you hated it with everything in your body.

You settled on the left side of the great hall, opposite Aemond. Once everyone was settled the court began.

Your grandfather had replaced Otto just as your aunt began to plead her case and Veamond wasn't letting up. You had also been feeling that someone was watching you the moment this all began. It was a strange sensation that you couldn't seem to shake off.

You suddenly heard Veamond's booming voice and you were pulled from your thoughts "I WILL NOT LET IT FALL IN THE HANDS OF THESE B-" Your eyes narrowed towards the man and you gently grabbed Jace's hand.

"Say it..." Jace said glaring daggers toward Veamond.

Veamond stepped back and looked at your grandfather.

"Her children...ARE BASTARD'S!" he said loudly, pointing towards Jace and Luke.

"And she is a...whore" he said more lightly.

Your grandfather tho frail and weak, shot from his seat and pulled a dagger from his coat "I...will have your tongue for that"

Guards rushed the man and put him on his knees. He screamed for the men to release him as you had a thought pop In your mind. You walked calmly away from the group and stood in front of Veamond, tall and confident "My lord, may I suggest another method of punishment?" Your grandfather stared at you and sat back down "Speak" you smiled and turned towards Veamond "If he is what he says he is, A true Velaryon. Then he should die as such. At the hands of a dragon," You could see the gears spinning in your grandfather's head. Sheathing his blade and letting out a cough before he spoke next "A fitting end" Your grandfather said standing and waving his hands towards the guards holding Veamond. You could feel the smirk in the back of your mind forming as Vaemond yelled for release.

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