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You stood at the edge of the cliff, gazing out over the vast expanse of the ocean. Your mother stood beside you, with Sytche's massive head to your left. Softly, you asked, "How much has changed?" Turning your head slightly, you locked eyes with Rhaelle. Her gaze remained fixed on the ocean, where a boat filled with guards and their belongings sailed.

Thoughts coursed through Rhaelle's mind as she contemplated your question. "The throne has always been a constant reminder that, no matter how much you love each other, you can always break apart," she replied, briefly looking down at the grass before meeting your eyes.

"The allure of the throne tempts everyone at some point. Yes, I too once dreamed of ruling and sitting on a king's throne. Thankfully I fell for your father, and we ruled our small faraway kingdom together. It was what made me happy. It completed my life at the time. And then we had you. You were what made my life perfect."

A faint smile tugged at the corner of your lips, only to fade as you realized the pain she felt when she lost you.

"Your father left with Caraxes; he should arrive by sunset. I had hoped you'd grant me Inizio," you nodded in agreement. "Inizio would be more than happy to have you ride her. I was wondering... What happened to Amiron? I haven't seen her since I returned, and she's not easy to miss."

Rhaelle's expression grew somber. "A few years after your disappearance, Sytche began wreaking havoc in the city. It didn't take long before he targeted the castle. Amiron took charge as the larger and more dominant dragon on the island. Sytche tore her wing to shreds, and it never healed enough for her to fly. From then on, Sytche was seen as a wild dragon, while Amiron has remained beneath the castle for years, refusing to come out."

Your stance faltered, and you turned to see Sytche and Inizio. Inizio rested in the grass, observing Sytche as he twisted his head, causing his frills to sway.

"I'm sorry, Mother... I should have kept up with his training. None of this would have happened if—"

"When I was around your age, my father told me something that stuck with me forever," Rhaelle interrupted " 'The idea that our family controls dragons is a lie, and it will always be a lie.' They are wild animals. Some just know how to listen better than others. They aren't pets; if anything, we belong to them." You nodded slowly and turned your gaze back towards  the ocean. "We should go, love. Your father will be there shortly to get everything." You nodded and turned to your dragons.

You brought your fingers to your lips and whistled. Both dragons looked up, and Sytche stepped closer to you, while Inizio stood beside her brother, her face near your body. You walked up to Inizio and rested your hand on her snout. "Take care of her, Inizio." Inizio nodded, ready to take flight.

You watched as your mother climbed onto Inizio and grasped the spikes of her frills. Inizio slipped down the cliff and soared into the sky. You turned to Sytche and scratched his jaw, then walked towards his wing, which rested on the ground. Sytche lowered his body closer to the ground, allowing you to climb up and find a comfortable spot. You patted his shoulder, and with a growl reminiscent of a snake's hiss, Sytche slithered down the cliff and spread his wings, taking flight.

Together, you flew from the island, quickly catching up to your mother. Both dragons bolted toward the direction of the Red Keep, and for hours, Scythe soared through the sky, performing tricks that made you cheer. You could see the smile on Rhaelle's face. The two of you whistled through the air, cutting through the clouds. 

Rhaelle underestimated how quickly your dragons could soar the skies and you both made it before the sun touched the ocean. 

You could see the Island getting bigger and bigger the closer you got. This also meant your anxiety rose quicker and quicker the more you realized you were going to see the entirety of your family soon. You were soon swept over the city to see its vast beauty. The houses are built in unique shapes and sizes, And the large castle at the end of the city stands tall in its shining glory. You follow your mother to the castle and scythe softly hits the ground. back legs digging into the ground before pulling his wings in and folding them back, resting the wings on the ground as if they were his front arms. You see the red keeps guards riding towards you on their horses. 

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