Chapter 2 Biana

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Biana sneaked into the base, invisible and sneaking past many neverseen members. The base was cold and boring.

Biana jumped when she heard a bell ring, looking around, then all the members went to a single room, so Biana followed.

"KITTEN THERAPY TIME!" Somebody yelled.

Neverseen members grabbed one kitten from a somewhat big  play pin, then they sat down to cuddle, play, relax, or even sleep with them.

"Oh hello little guy," somebody spoke.

The voice was female and was very very familiar but she just couldn't place it.

Biana kept watching very closely, especially the person who spoke.

The kitten the person was holding was to say the least, adorable, it was a beautiful orange tabby (a cat with stripes) with beautiful copper colored eyes.

Biana wanted to steal the kitten so fast but she stopped herself, not wanting to be spotted or worse, captured.

Biana just stared for a while her brain running through different thoughts.

She decided quickly to just get out of the base, so she ran out, getting to her friends and reappeared.

"What was in there?" Fitz asked.

"Well they have this thing now called kitten therapy," She responded.

"They didn't have that when I was there," Keefe responded.

"It's probably new, but there was this girl, her voice sounded very familiar but I can't place it," Biana said, looking back at the base.

"Probably nothing, let's go," Tam said and they light leaped away.

Guys I'm sick RN so I will either not be posting or I will be posting shorter chapters, I want to give you something to read but I want to work on a longer chapter soooo yeah! Adios!

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃𝓁𝒶𝓇𝓀Where stories live. Discover now