Chapter 26 Sophie/Icicle + Aurora

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Sophie stared at Sandor, memories coming to her head, terrible memories. Memories she hated looking back on.

She shook her head, needing to clear it.

"I'll give you a chance to leave Sandor," she hissed, holding Aurora close to her.

"I can't, I'm one of the council's body guards," he whispered.

"Then I'll leave you be," she said.

"Kukimbia kwa msingi!" Sophie yelled. (Translation from Swahili language: Run to the base)

The other girls looked to Sophie and nodded, all light leaping away.

Sophie held Aurora close to her as she teleported away.


Sophie helped Aurora who was weak to her room, helping her lay down on her bed and getting out a nightgown for her.

"Uko sawa? walikuumiza?" Sophie asked, sitting next to Aurora. (Translation: Are you ok? did they hurt you?)

"Niko sawa nimechoka tu," Aurora answered. (Translation: i'm ok just tired)

"Alright, sleep well, I'll be in my room if you need anything at all ok? Just try and sleep a bit," Sophie whispered, hugging her tightly.

Aurora watched as Sophie left, catching herself yawn and fall into a deep sleep.

"She's really warm," a female voice muttered.

"She'll be fine, but let's keep her asleep," another female voice said.

"Probably a good idea, she needs the rest," the first girl agreed.

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