Chapter 28 So is she on our side or what? + QUESTIONS

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*Keefe POV*

The group was hiding in a room of a black swan base that the neverseen were attacking, the group being surrounded by shadows, but he saw Sophie come in.

Foster wore a light blue dress with a black cloak over it. She wore black combat boots and her hair was done.

She  looked around the room, probably for them.

Before her beautiful brown eyes landed on then, staring at them for a few minutes, pure hatred in her gaze before it softened, her emotions a lot more calmer.

"Anyone in there Icicle?" A female voice yelled.

Sophie look at the group before responding, "Nobody!"

She stood there for a about sixty seconds, staring at them before mouthing 'Your welcome'

She then left, closing the door behind her, leaving enough light for all of them to light leap out which was what they did.


1. Authorsnotpoets
Question: I have two: what's your favorite thing about writing on
What's your favorite song?
The last one's kinda random but I like getting song

Answer: I guess my favorite part of of writing on Wattpad is getting feedback  from all of you! Second one my favorite song might just have to be If I can dream by Elvis Presley or No way from Six!

2. @Eli-the-Alicorn
Question: How did you come up with a story as cool as this?

Answer: Well honestly it first started when I read KOTLC, (obviously) then I thought 'huh what if Sophie joined the Neverseen on her own free will' so the story was born!

That's all the questions I got!

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