Chapter 30 Keefe

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I held my dagger tightly, everyone fighting neck and neck.

I scanned the battle, spotting the Sophie thing I had saw the other day.

It was running straight towards me.

It went straight for my arm with its dagger but I dodged it, delivering a solid attack to the arm which hit its arm perfectly, a bright blue light flashing where it stood and figures of two people appeared, the light dimming before I spotted the elf I had seen the other day then Sophie....

She had the wound on her arm...

The elf started to grab her but she ran.

I didn't have to be an empath to know she was scared.

She ran, but I grabbed her quickly, she started to pull before looking back and then stopped pulling. I pulled her close and hugged her, then I felt liquid hit my tunic. Foster was crying...

I hugged her tighter before the elf apeared behind her and I pushed her behind me.

"GIVE HER BACK! She's mine," The elf yelled.

"How about you stay away from her! Also she's not an item!" I snapped.

"Oh really? But you protect her like she is one," The elf smirked.

"Probably because I love her! And what have you done?! Been a big idiot?!" I yelled back, only a second to late realizing what I had just said, I felt Foster tense up.

Then suddenly, the elf collapsed, behind him was Grady.

"Grady?..." Sophie whispered, Grady snapping his head towards Sophie behind me.

"Sophie!" Grady smiled, Sophie hugging him tightly, Edaline running over and hugged her too.

Sophie's emotions were just fear.... It was strange....

Sophie seemed to just freeze when they hugged her and as soon as they let go, they called over the rest of the group, Sophie jumping when she saw the group running and froze.

"Sophie! Your ok!" Biana laughed as she hugged her.

"Why did you join the neverseen?!" Fitz demanded.

"You literally took Linh!" Tam snapped.

Sophie backed away from the group, her hands fidgeting.

"ANSWER ME!" Fitz snapped, getting straight in Sophie's face.

Sophie jumped back, her eyes searching for something....

"Hey! Fitz!  Leave her alone!" I barked.

"She betrayed us!" Fitz snapped.

"Fitz.... I didn't choose to.... I was kinda forced..." Sophie muttered.

"Joining the Neverseen was a decision you made!" Fitz snapped.

"I didn't! I was trying to protect you all you selfish entitled brat! Incase you never met me, I would rather be put into lava then eaten by a shark then join the neverseen!" Sophie snapped.

"ME?! SELFISH ENTITLED BRAT?! YOUR THE SELFISH ONE!" Fitz snapped, making Sophie jump back and I hugged her.

"FITZ STOP!" Biana snapped.

"BIANA DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" He  snapped at his sister.

"Come on Foster, I'll take you to Havenfeild," I whispered to her.

"O-Oh ok...." She whispered, I grabbed her hand and light leaped to Havenfeild, waking her to her room.

"You ok?" I muttered to her as we entered her room, she sitting down on her bed.

"I'm fine, just kinda upset..." She muttered.

"Your ok.... I promise foster... your safe..." I whispered, sitting down next to her and hugged her.

"Keefe..." Sophie muttered.

"Yes Foster?" I whispered.

That's when she leaned forward and kissed me.... Not on the cheek, or forehead, or anywhere else like that... it was on the lips...

YESSSSS! Don't worry! It's not going to end soon! We still gotta go through some stuff! If you have any questions, ask them! I would love to answer!!! Anyway KOTLCNerd OUTTTTTTT!!

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃𝓁𝒶𝓇𝓀Where stories live. Discover now