Chapter 20 Sophie/Icicle

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Sophie opened a door and entered a room with purple walls, carpet floors, a twin sized bed, a desk with a computer on it, and a desk chair pulled up to the desk.

At the desk playing on the computer, was a girl who looked about ten years old, she was wearing a white dress and her ginger hair was in a messy bun.

"Aurora! Your favorite froster is here!" Sophie called to the girl, who turned her head and smiled, her green eyes looking at Sophie.

"ICICLE!" The girl smiled, running to great her and hugged Sophie quickly before smiling..

"Aurora! Hey, do you wanna see if we can get the horses out today?" She asked her.

"YAY!" She screamed and Sophie just laughed.

"Alright, go get dressed, then meet me in my room," Sophie smiled, leaving Aurora's room and heading to her room.

She changed out of her black dress and took off her neverseen cloak and put the black dress up and put her cloak on the bed, grabbing a cute dress and some black riding boots.

I don't know how on earth to explain what the dress looks like so just here's a picture

I don't know how on earth to explain what the dress looks like so just here's a picture

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Sophie put a few daggers in one her many many pockets and walked towards Aurora's room.

"Aurora? You ready?" Sophie called as she pulled open Aurora's bedroom door.

"Icicle!" She smiled.

I can not even to begin trying to describe this- so here's another picture just so I don't confuse you guys too much!

I can not even to begin trying to describe this- so here's another picture just so I don't confuse you guys too much!

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Aurora's ginger hair was in a braid, she wore some tall black riding boots.

"Hey you two! Where are you two headed?" Leo asked, with him was Ember and Celeste.

"We're going horse back riding! Do you guys wanna come?" Aurora asked, smiling.

"Heck yeah!" Leo, Ember, and Celeste yelled together.

"Go get ready then!" Sophie laughed and then Leo, Ember, and Celeste running off, leaving Aurora and Sophie with eachother.

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