Chapter 5 Ember

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Ember grabbed her sword, looking in the mirror in her room, her own crystal blue eyes staring back at her.

She collapsed onto her bed, staring off into the distance.

Memories she hated was popping up into her head ones with Fitz.

"Fitz? Where are we going?"

"Calm down and wait Halima!"

Ember looked over tears starting to form and she curled up into a ball.

Somebody knocked on the door and Ember yelled "Come in!"

A girl with blonde hair which was in a half up and half down look and had her eyes covered by an ice blue blindfold walked in. She was wearing a white crop top with a violet colored jacket on top with some light blue blue jeans to match as well as some white tennis shoes.

"Sorry I wasn't able to make it, how was it?" she asked

"Terrible! Turns out Leo has a crush on Fitz VACKER and you know my  history with him!" Ember complained.

"Heck I hate him, only if Alvar could see him now, he would want to throw him off a cliff," Icicle laughed.

"Thank you so much Icicle," Ember laughed hugging her tightly.

"Heck what else can I do?" she asked laughing.

"Maybe remove your blindfold? I'm sure you can't see out of it," Ember said.

"One I can see perfectly fine it's like a one way mirror, I can see but the people on the other side can't and two, I don't want to show my eyes," Icicle said rather quickly.

"Oh uh alright?" Ember said but smiled.

"You dated Fitz for a while time, I know you can't be comfortable with this," Icicle changed the subject.

"Yeah, it just feels completely wrong for no reason," she said.

"It's not for no reason I can tell you that much," Icicle said, a small ice figure of Fitz was made in her hand.

"I guess.... But.... I don't know what to do! Your the smart one in this group!" Ember sighed.

"I guess I am," Icicle giggled.

"It would need to go to SOMEBODY and your the intelligent one!" Ember laughed.

"Now your calling everyone else in the group including yourself stupid!" Icicle laughed.

"I did not!" she yelped back.

"You sure did!" Icicle yelled back.

"NO WAY!" She yelled back

"Oh yeah you did!" She barked back.

"No I did not!"



"Fine, I'll agree to your way of thinking I guess.... But you still said it! I'm out! Got to go do a mission, hope we're kidnapping the alicorns!" Icicle smiled and opened the door, waved goodbye, and then left.

Ember smiled at herself and laid back on her bed, falling fast asleep.

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃𝓁𝒶𝓇𝓀Where stories live. Discover now