Chapter 16 Sophie/Icicle

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The pain from the stab wound was killing her, if she didn't die from the pain, she would die due to blood loss.

"ICICLE!" A female voice yelled. Sophie couldn't recognize it for a minute but she finally recognized the voice, it was Celeste.

"Celeste..." Sophie groaned, and Celeste grabbed her wound and tried to keep the blood in.

"RUBY WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING?!" Linh yelled, she knew it was Linh in an instant.

"SHE'S EVIL!" Somebody named Ruby yelled back.

"Who the heck is Ruby?" Sophie groaned.

"She was your... Ummm replacement after you ran off...." Keefe admitted.

"Of course, that's what the black swan does...." Sophie groaned, Celeste still holding onto the wound.

"Icicle we need to get you to the healer," Celeste whispered.

"Alright, take me then," she groaned, taking Celeste's spot holding her wound, and helped her up, having to lean onto Celeste to help her in the spiraling world.

"Come on Icicle, almost there!" Celeste begged, but Sophie couldn't, everything hurt, and then her vision flashed to blackness, hearing a voice, one she couldn't make out, she felt herself being picked up and then placed on something, then the darkness claimed her.


Sophie didn't know how long she had been unconscious, and she didn't want to know, she wanted to stay in the wonderful dream full land where she killed the entire collective and council, which honestly sure was a bit.... Well.... violent.... But she wanted to do it and then become one of the Lost cities' leaders, and council members, and the black swan would all die.

She felt a small touch on her forehead, she didn't know what it was or who it was but she listened, she could tell they were a telepath, but who would it be? Then she heard a transmission, a familiar one at that.

Icicle.... Please.... It's me Leo, your favorite gay guy! But please! Wake up!! I'm begging you!!

Leo's voice was kind and gentle but she couldn't pull herself out of the dreams and the wonderful delight of killing the council and collective.

I'm trying Leo.... She responded

You can do it Icicle! Pull through!

I'm trying Leo.... Tell everyone I love them... I don't do it....

Icicle you're going to be alright, and Iris and Sunny are trying to keep you alive, just don't stop trying!!

I'll try.....

She tried pushing herself back up into her body. Failed. She tried again... failed... and again and again until finally, she got it.

She weakly opened her eyes, looking around, the only light that was in that dark room were the curtains pulled back with stars and a full moon.

Wait- full moon?! It was just a new moon last night- wait- it's been like half a month?!

She sat up weakly then she felt someone hug her.

"Foster...." They whispered.

"Keefe?" She asked.

"Everyone left, you're stuck with me now Foster!" Keefe laughed but Sophie looked at him confused.

"What? I'm more confused than the time I was told I was an elf!" Sophie snapped.

"Alright, if you must know.... I'm joining the neverseen..." Keefe smiled.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH Ehh- ehh? Ok, that's just me- so uhhh I'm not gonna be able to do a lot of chapters and be spoiling you guys like I have been over thanksgiving break because 1. I still need to finish something for a class 2. Well, I have a torture tool my school uses called 'Homework' I'm sure you've heard of it by now. I was using sarcasm there in case you couldn't tell. 3. I have SCHOOL well any way I'm out! I'll try and update you when I can!

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃𝓁𝒶𝓇𝓀Where stories live. Discover now