Chapter 12 Icicle/Sophe

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Sophie smiled awkwardly at Ember who just stared at her.

"Your Sophie Foster? How?- What?-" Ember started but Sophie quickly cut her off.

"I understand your confusion but listen, the black swan was just using me but when the war was over.... They were going to...." Sophie started but couldn't get the words out so she did the 'of with their head' hand movement and Ember hugged her tightly.

"It's alright, your safe now," Ember whispered.

"But we're needed on the battlefield," Sophie sighed, pulling the blindfold back over her face.

"Let's go my friend," Ember smiled, running out the door but somebody threw themselves right at Sophie.

She looked to see who it was and it was Keefe?!

"If it isn't Mr. Legacy boy," Sophie hissed, smirking as Keefe got an annoyed look on his face, she used this to get out from underneath him.

"Ember, let's get to the dungeons, I have an idea," she whispered very very quietly to Ember who nodded and they ran off towards the dungeons where they found Biana and Dex looking through the cells.

"Haha!" Sophie laughed quietly, pulling down the blindfold and putting it into her pocket.

"Ember, take me through like I'm a prisoner, I have a bit of an idea," Sophie giggled.

"Alright then my friend let's do it!" She smiled, grabbed Sophie by the wrists and started walking through the halls.

Sophie noticed them and they turned invisible, Sophie knew the plan was going to work. She lowered her head almost as if sleepy and defeated.

They arrived to an open cell and Ember smiled as she put the chains on Sophie, on her legs, arms, and her neck too as well as an fake ability restrictor which she didn't know where that came from but it helped with the act.

"Night Night moonlark," Ember laughed in a very very convincing voice.

Sophie leaned her head onto the wall behind her but fell sideways, landing on her side, facing towards the cell door which was opened quickly then Dex and Biana ran in.

"Sophie? Sophie can you hear us?" Biana asked.

Sophie didn't respond, wanting it to be as not obvious as possible.

"Sophie wake up!" Dex begged.

Can I capture them now Ici- I mean Sophie?

I got them ready so sure, go for it but you can call me Icicle, I mean you have been for the last three years

Thanks for the go ahead

Anytime my friend

Ember grabbed both Dex and Biana, putting real ability restrictors on their heads and also gave them a sedative.

Sophie got up right after the sedative was given, they already looked sleepy so it wouldn't be too bad.

Sophie froze off the chains on her and threw the fake ability restrictor off.

"Good job Ember!" Sophie laughed, taking a half asleep Biana and putting the neck, legs, and arm chains on her, Ember doing the same to a half asleep Dex.

"Let's get the rest in here," Ember laughed.

"Let's do my friend, let's do," Sophie laughed.

SOPHIE IS NOT THE SAME EHH? EHH? Alright it's pretty late so I'm gonna go to sleep, ADIOS!

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃𝓁𝒶𝓇𝓀Where stories live. Discover now