Chapter 18 Sophie/Icicle

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Sophie grasped onto the rope which held a small rock on top of a ridge and she pulled it and ran to the other side quickly as it fell. The small rock was supposed to represent a larger rock she was going to be using when they were going to be pulling off her master plan which by the way SHE planned by herself.

"They will so fall for it!" Sophie laughed quietly to herself and started to run until she ended up in a large room with glowing crystals on the ground.

There was an ice blue one, a firey red and orange one, a white windy looking one, a bright yellow looking one, an ocean blue color, and a shadowy black crystal.

Sophie looked at the glowing crystals, the ice blue one flickering white when she neared it, and she knew exactly what it meant.

"Look who's here! Still practicing that distraction?" Celeste came up to her, smirking.

"You bet I have! By the time they figure out a way to get here, we will have already unleashed the powerful beast," Sophie laughed and Celeste started laughing as well.

"Well, it's almost time for the show to begin!" Celeste laughed, small shadows hovering above her hand.

"Do we have our flasher?" She asked, glaring at Celeste.

"We do, it's surprisingly enough Azizi, "Celeste laughed.

"No, I'm not letting him anywhere near this! He's going to be the reason we fail!" Sophie snapped.

"But he promised he wouldn't besides he's so precious!" She laughed.

"First of all the last time he promised he wouldn't make everyone else fail the mission, he made us fail the mission, and second of all, his name MEANS precious in the Swahili language!" Sophie snapped.

"Icicleeeee, please? I'll be there in case he messes up and besides, we can have another flasher there in case," Celeste reasoned.

"Alright alright fine! Go get ready and tell Azizi to get a neverseen cloak," she smirked.

"Alright Captain!" Celeste laughed, mock saluting her, and ran off.

Two hours later

Sophie had changed into a plain black dress with a black cloak with the neverseen mark on her shoulder, she didn't wear the blindfold since everyone knew who she was and there was no reason to hide slit any longer.

Leo dragged a girl along with him as he pulled her into the cave, the girl had black hair with silver tips.

"Sophie?!" Linh asked, Sophie just gave her a smirk.

"Sophie please let me go!" She begged.

"It's Icicle to you!" she snapped back.

"I got her!" Leo smiled, pulling her into the cave with the glowing crystals, and positioned her to face the oceanic blue crystal.

"Linh I do need a favor, you do have your panic switch right?" Sophie asked, walking up to her.

"I do, why?" She asked quietly.

"Switch it," she demanded.

"What?" She asked.

"Switch it!" Sophie snapped and Linh quickly did as she was told.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Celeste yelled, positioning herself right on the black shadowy crystal.

Ember got onto the red firey crystal, Azizi on the golden yellow one, and Linh on the oceanic blue crystal.

"Let's get it started!" Sophie smiled, teleporting when the light leaping crystal would take them which was just outside the cave where the entire group including Keefe was there.

"Keefe you backstabbing lair!" Sophie yelled without thinking and threw a goblin-throwing stare at him, almost hitting him in the arm.

"Calm down Foster!" Keefe yelled but Tam shot towards Sophie, chasing after her.

"WHERE IS MY SISTER?!" Tam demanded.

The boulder trap was ready and she ran under it and pulled the rope and ran faster toward the cave.

She finally reached it and got onto her glowing crystal, the others doing the same while Linh was pushed onto the spot and then the fun began.....

Sophie started using her froster ability and started aiming it towards an orb above a strange rock formation, a part of it becoming ice colored then Ember used her ability, then Azizi, then Hunter, the gusher, then Celeste, then Linh, each of their colors of the crystal in its spot.

Somebody yelled "LINH!" But Sophie didn't look behind her.

They each slowly let go of the orb with their blast of abilities, leaving Sophie pushing her froster abilities to cover the orb of different colors in ice, sweat rolling down her face until she let go, the entire orb covered in ice and it started glowing, the crystals under their feet also glowing, the rock formation disappearing and a somewhat horse looking animal appeared, but it was ice colored and its eyes were a large mix of all the rest of the colors of the orb.

Sophie slowly walked towards it, holding her hand out allowing the horse to sniff her before Sophie smirked.

"Let's see how you do," she whispered.

Word count: 819

LONGEST CHAPTER SO FARRRRR LETS GOOOOO so I wanted to do two chapters for this one chapter but I didn't so yeah!

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