Chapter 25 Sophie/Icicle

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Sophie threw a book towards the wall.

"I HATE EVERYTHING!" She screamed.

"Icicle, calm down!" Mystic yelled, grabbing  her by the arms.

"THEY TOOK MY SISTER!" She yelled, thrashing in Mystic's arms.

"And we'll get her back! Just calm down!" Ember sighed. "Take three deep breaths."

Sophie breathed in a few more times before Mystic let her out of her arms.

"We'll start getting ready immediately," Anna promised.

"Good," Sophie whispered.

"Let's go!" Melany yelled and everyone ran to their rooms, leaving Sophie behind in her room.

"Alright, let's look here," she muttered to herself, pulling out a black dress with white patches and black combat boots.

She pulled the neverseen cloak around her, keeping her hair down.

She grabbed a small dagger, flinging it around for a moment until the rest of the girls came back.

"Anybody got a plan?" Ember asked.

Ember was wearing a golden and black dress, she had black colored combat boots and a neverseen cloak.

"Not me!" Anna sighed, putting her hands up.

Anna was wearing a short red dress and matched with black combat boots with a neverseen cloak.

"Probably not me," Melany muttered.

Melany wore a pink dress that was about to her knees put with some dark pink combat boots.

"Not the best ideas come from me," Mystic admitted.

Mysic was wearing a green dress which she paired with green gloves that weren't over the hand (I forgot what they're called) and dark green combat boots.

"I do! We can go down to the tribal hall, stand on the overlook area then I go down, no hood or anything, then if I need help I will call, DIVORCED BEHEADED DIED, DIVORCED BEHEADED SURVIVED," Sophie smirked as Anna smiled and clapped her hands while making squealing noises.

"Let's go!" Melany yelled and they all light leaped to the tribal hall.

Sophie shuttered as they levitated up ontop of it, looking down as they found a small opening and got through the roof, standing on a small balcony overlooking the area below.

She quickly spotted the council members staring down at small person- wait- they were looking at Aurora!

"Alright, let's go," Sophie muttered.

Sophie jumped down, levitating herself when she got closer to the ground, grabbing her dagger and cut the ropes on Aurora.

"Sophie?" Oralie asked, standing up out of her throne.

"ITS ICICLE TO YOU!" She hissed, pulling Aurora closer to her, looking right at her mother.

"Attack!" Alina yelled, loads of goblin soldiers coming towards her and Aurora.

"Oh Zues!" She muttered.

"DIVORCED BEHEADED DIED, DIVORCED BEHEAD-" Sophie couldn't finish as a goblin starting attacking her, forcing her to punch him in the face.

She spotted Ember, Mystic, Anna and Melany drop down, going straight towards some of  the goblins.

She shot ice towards a few goblins, hearing everyone gasp, Oralie the loudest.

"Sophie?" a squeaky voice whispered.

She looked over to see.... Sandor....

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