chapter 5

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we made our way back to the office, the walk back was silent. we didn't say a word to each other at all. we reached the office building, i walked in first followed by Namjoon behind me. i made my way to my desk and sat down and began to work, he made his way back to his office, throughout working i constantly kept thinking about what happened at the cafe. us being in close proximity, it felt wrong since he was my boss but internally i also i liked it.


as i was about to finish filling some documents i heard a familiar voice call out to me, "Ari!" i looked up and saw Jungkook and Taehyung, they were carrying their backpacks.

"Kookie, Tae Tae, what's up?" i asked.

"didn't Joonie-ah tell you? he said we can leave early because of a private meeting that's going to take place." Taehyung stated.

"no he didn't tell me." i answered.

"well finish whatever you doing and go home, we'll wait for you outside." Taehyung and Jungkook left the building to wait for me outside.

as i was about to pack the file away, i picked up the flowers, the letter, including my purse and was about to leave, i was stopped by Namjoon.

"you're leaving now?" he asked.

"yes, isn't there's a meeting that's taking place?" i questioned.

i heard him mumble under his breath.

"yes, i wanted to tell you but i completely forgot. i wanted to talk to you about something but it can wait, travel safe."

he came closer to me and hugged me. i froze, i didn't know what to do. i didn't know whether to hug him back or not, i just stood there.

"i would appreciate it if you hugged me back." he insisted.

"oh, my bad." i hugged him back. his grip got tighter, it felt like he didn't want to let me go.

i pulled away from the hug, he also did the same. i said my goodbye and left. i saw Taehyung and Jungkook waiting for me.

"what took you so long?" Taehyung questioned.

"i was talking to Felix, shall we?"

the three of us proceeded to walk off. we all lived in the same apartment complex, although we don't hangout often. throughout the walk we spoke about a multitude of things, we made jokes. it was great being around them.

Jungkook came behind and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, it was difficult to walk since he put his whole weight on me.

"get off, i can't walk." i joked.

"you two should just be a couple already." Taehyung retorted. it was funny seeing him jealous.

Jungkook arms was still wrapped around my shoulders, he leaned over to the right side of my face and kissed me on the cheek.

"what was that for?" i asked.

"your face is a magnet, it attracted my lips."

"gross" Taehyung reacted. me and Jungkook laughed.

"do you want me to kiss you too Tae Tae? let me kiss you, come here."

Jungkook let go of me and started to walk towards Taehyung, Taehyung yelled at him to leave him alone but Jungkook didn't listen, Jungkook pouted which made Taehyung freak out, Taehyung ran off, followed by Jungkook right behind him.

i was left all alone, i couldn't stop laughing. thoughts on what happened at the cafe came up. i immediately stopped laughing and began to think of Namjoon. i thought about how attractive he looked, his dragon shaped eyes which made him look intimidating. his freshly cut hair, dyed black. his hairstyle made him look even more attractive, short hair really suits him. the way he would glance over at me at any given chance, i really didn't want to fall in love with him, i just can't.


it was a few hours before my bedtime, i received a call from Namjoon.

"Mr Ki- i mean, hello Namjoon." i mistakenly called him Mr Kim.

"hello Ari, how was your day?" he asked.

"it was... good i guess." i answered, sounding unsure.

"well i'm glad it was good, what's my pretty girl doing right now?"

"i'm watching something on YouTube since i have nothing else to do."

"well do you want to talk to me?" he asked.

"sure i guess." i hesitantly answered.

"what's going on between you and Jungkook?"

here we go, why does he want to talk about him. i just hope that we don't argue about this.

"i could say we're starting to be good friends."

"do you perhaps like him?"

"no, Namjoon are you somewhat jealous or something? please be honest."

he was silent for a few minutes.

"i just... i just care about you Ari. you're too precious to endure any heartbreak."

"i can take care of myself Namjoon, but thank you for caring. i really appreciate it." i acknowledged him.

"anything for my pretty girl."

we continued to speak for 20 minutes, it was interesting talking to him. he told me about himself, how he wanted to be a musician and not run a company. just by hearing talk about his passion for music made me respect him even more, he even writes music for his friends that are musicians.

"i think you should sleep now, i don't want to keep you up. goodnight my pretty girl."

"goodnight Namjoon, it was nice talking to you even it feels wrong." i nervously laughed.

"wrong? you really take my position serious." he laughed.

"yes, this is a big job. of course it feels wrong." i explained.

"i understand but treat me as your boss when we're at work, not outside of work."

"i understand but-"

"no buts Ari, out side of work we're something else other than employer and employee."

"what are we out side of work?" i asked sounding curious.

"you're mine and i'm yours."

my mind froze, i didn't know what to say. was he saying that i'm his girlfriend or something?

"what do you mean by that Joonie?" i asked. i was uncertain.

"you'll see soon, goodnight pretty girl."

"goodnight Joonie."

♡what do you guys think will happen between Jungkook and Ari?
♡what do you think Namjoon meant that Ari is his and Namjoon is hers?
♡please don't forget to vote :)

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