chapter 6

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i reached the office building, i walked straight to my desk and sat down. i took the file that i was working on before abruptly leaving early yesterday.

it only took me 5 minutes to complete what i was doing. as i was about to get up and go make myself a cup of coffee, Jenny came over to my desk.

"good morning!" she sounded chirpy. I tried to calm myself while in her presence, she made my blood boil.

"morning," I said without any expression

"Namjoon told me to give you this." she placed the files on my desk. i immediately dialed Namjoon's office number, ''hello, this is Mr Kim.''

''Mr Kim this is Ari, did you tell Je- i mean Ms Choi to give me a files to work on them?''

''yes i did, can you please work on the necessary documents and bring them back to me in order for me to check.'' i immediately ended the call.

''leave it on my desk, i'm going to make coffee.'' without waiting for Jenny's answer i walked past her to the lounge room. a part of me was furious with Namjoon, instead of giving my partner Jimin to work on some of it, he assigns me to all of it.

i reached the lounge area, i made myself coffee. i saw Jungkook talking to another female coworker. i honestly didn't feel some type of way towards him because i knew that i didn't have feelings for him like how he does for me.

i made my way back to my desk only to find upon arrival, Jimin was working on the files. i was relieved but yet i felt bad. ''you don't have to do it, its fine.'' i assured him. ''no its alright, you can have your coffee and relax, i'll work on the files. oh and Namjoon called our desk, he wants you in his office.''

i took a deep sigh, with the coffee cup in my hand, i made my way to Namjoon's office. i wondered why he wanted to see me.

i reached his office, i knocked on the door. he yelled for me to enter in which i did, i opened the door and entered his office, i closed the door behind me. he was sitting on the front of his desk reading a book. his blazer was on his chair, his sleeves were folded, his pants were tight due to how big his thighs were.

''you wanted to see me?'' i asked.

he looked up at me, he clenched his jaw. he looked at me from head to toe, he somewhat had a look of disgust on his face but i could be wrong.

''hello to you too, pretty girl.'' he tone of his voice didn't match the tone he would normally say ''pretty girl.'' it sounded like he was being sarcastic.

''come here.'' he commanded. i did what he said, i walked towards him and stood in front of me, ''put your coffee cup down on the desk.'' i did what he instructed. ''why did you abruptly end the call? i was going to tell you something but you fuckin-''

i cut him off, ''well i'm tired of doing all the hard work. you keep forgetting that Jimin exists, give him something to do as well, i'm not your damn slave.'' he immediately reacted by grabbing my neck, he had me in a choke hold. his grip wasn't tight in order for me to not breathe. he got up from the table, ''look at you, being a big girl now. how dare you talk back?'' his grip got tighter. i tried to remove his hand but i couldn't, i've never seen him this angry, what made it even more scary was that he clenched his jaw, what he usually does when he's angry.

''i'm sorry Namjoon... forgive me.'' i pleaded with him, he pushed me on his leather couch. i moaned in pain because i fell on my left hand. he knelt down in front of me, he grabbed my chin and turned my face to his direction. ''just because i've been nice to you doesn't mean you can disrespect me, i gave you those files because i knew you know how to fill in those details, Jimin knows a bit of the information. another thing, it was my way of wanting to see you becaused i missed your pretty face but instead of hearing my full side you ended up reacting like a little brat.''

tears started to form in my eyes, ''i'm sorry Namjoon. i'm really sorry. i was just frustrated at the fact that you would overwork me, i'm really sorry Joonie'' his grip on my chin loosened, he let go off my chin, he dropped his head and took a deep sigh, ''i honestly don't want to get physical with you. i'm not that type but you really made me mad. i'm also sorry, it's fine if you want to report me to HR, i deserve a warning or suspension.'' i also felt bad for him at that moment but he indeed hurt me and made me feel uncomfortable.

''can i distance myself from you for a while?'' i asked.

he looked up at me, i could tell he immediately regretted his actions. his eyes started to sparkle, he dropped his head again. ''of course, if that makes you feel better.'' i got up from the couch and left his office. i knew Jungkook was always at the lounge area, i ran to the lounge only to find him there alone. he turned to my direction, he had a huge smile on his face. i ran up to him and gave him a big hug, i began to sob. ''Ari? what's wrong? what happened?'' Jungkook sounded concerned.

''i just feel sad.'' i didn't want to tell him what happened with Namjoon. Jungkook hugged me tighter, ''it's okay. i'm here for you.'' hearing those words didn't have that much of an effect, it's either because those words should have came out of someone's else's mouth or it didn't help soothe my internal pain.

♡what do you guys think about this chapter?
♡i honestly got emotional when writing the scene between Namjoon and Ari.
♡please don't forget to vote :)

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