Chapter 2: Power-ups

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"Oh dear god," Thyme Warp said. "This wave's a big one."

"Big or small, it's time to fight!" Phat Beet said.

Meanwhile, Hurrikale was teaching Blover how to blow away non-flying zombies. "In the art of blowing away grounded zombies" Hurrikale explains, "You must be sure to-"

At that moment, a loud alarm began WEE-OO-WEE-OO-ing.

"What the heck was that noise?" Blover said.


After recovering from the sudden jumpscare, all plants quickly got into their positions. Endurian went straight to the Brickheads to stall them and do damage at the same time. Blover and Hurrikale teamed up to blow away the flying zombies. Chomper devoured a couple Sunday Edition Zombies before having to chew. Nightshade began smacking zombies into oblivion. And Buttercup began buttering buttered zombies with more butter providing buttery butteriness because they're always butting in her business. 

Now, you might be wondering, "What did Thyme Warp do? And Gold Leaf?" Well, Thyme Warp wasn't doing anything, because he's a single use plant, and with immense time-rewinding powers, he'd only use himself during urgent situations. Gold Leaf, on the other hand, was a MACHINE. She was creating gold tiles left and right. And also, if you wondered the first thing you're probably now wondering, "How do single-use plants keep using themselves if they're single use?" The truth is that single-use plants die after using themselves, and then just instantly pop back into existence. That is definitely how it works and is certainly not a result of lazy writing. But anyways, things were looking bad for our heroes. The battle had raged for 3 hours, but neither side had won.

"There's too many of them!" Toadstool spouted. "What are we going to do?"

The zombies were just about to hop out of the story and eat your brains when a mysterious force sent a flurry of snowballs heading right for the horde, quickly killing dozens of them.

"Where did that come from?" Exclaimed Bonk Choy, who finally stopped practicing his martial arts on Wall-Nut and actually turned around to see what was happening.

All the plants looked over at Parsnip, who was rapidly pressing a few strange buttons. They all unleashed a strange power, from zombies getting tossed into the air and out of the atmosphere to them getting electrocuted and turned to dust. After a few minutes all the zombies were wiped out. The plants took a closer look at the buttons. There were three: The first was cyan and had a picture of a snowflake on it, the second was yellow and had a curved arrow, and the third was purple with a lightning bolt.

"What are those?" Asked Stickybomb Rice.

"I think they're... power-ups." Ice Bloom declared.

"Power-ups?" Everyone else questioned, confused.

"Wait, I think I recognize these. I've heard about them, but I never knew they were a reality! What they do is unleash a large power that can kill large amounts of zombies."

"Woah!" Everyone beamed.

But just then, the plants realized that maybe they forgot a zombie.

"RAAAAAAAWR!" It roared. It was a Gargantuar! And it was about to crush Gold Leaf!

"Oh no! I'll save you!" Thyme warp heroically shouted. He then activated himself, resetting the Gargantuar's position, died, popped back into existence, and quickly pressed a power-up to finish it off.

"You just saved my life!" Gold Leaf said. "Wanna go to the movies tomorrow? Just as a thank you?"

Thyme Warp was thrilled. It may not have been a romantic date, but it was a date nonetheless.

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