Getting Detention

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Hiiiiiii! So this is my first fanfic so pleeeeease no hate. Also, I don't like when people put these headings, so  most of the time this will not be here. Warning: All of these characters belong to Shannon Messenger. 

(Sophie's POV)

          "Yo, Foster!" Keefe called as he made his way over to my locker through the crowded hallway. I groaned as several heads turned my way.

          "What?" I asked once he got to me.

He acted hurt. "What, do I not not even get a hello?"

I raised my eyebrows and stared at him.

          "Fine!" He said dramatically. "I was coming to see if you were going to Biana's sleepover tonight."

Right! Today was the last day of school before winter break, and Biana was celebrating with a sleepover. I mentally facepalmed when I realized what that would entail. Makeovers, truth or dare, base quest, and...Fitz.

          "You okay Foster?" Keefe asked. "I just got a weird rush of emotions that I do not feel like looking into."

          "I'm fine," I mumbled, nervously tugging at my eyelashes. Fitz and I hadn't talked ever since he found out I had been keeping a giant secret from him. But how could I tell him that I had a crush on him?

          "Sooo," Keefe interrupted my mental thinking. "Do you think you'll be going? It'll be fun!"

          "I'll think about it," I replied, grabbing my books from my locker, and started to head towards my next class, linguistics.

          "There will be mallowmelt!" Keefe cried desperately after me. I whipped around and stared him straight in the eyes. Mallowmelt was no joking matter.

          "Are you absolutely positive?" I watched him very closely.

          "Yes?" He dragged the word out, sounding uncertain.

          "Good enough," I muttered, before saying louder. "I'll go-but if there is no mallowmelt, you better sleep with one eye open."

Keefe gulped, before flashing a smirk and saying, "You're cut when you try to be serious. Like an angry chipmunk when you're trying to look menacing."

As I was giving him my worst glare, the bell began to ring. I grumbled a few words that would have me cleaning the verminion's pen for a week, and took off running to my next class.

          "See you tonight!" I called over my shoulder to Keefe.

          "It's a date!" He exclaimed, much to the amusement of some other prodigies. I groaned, and quickly opened the door, nearly running into Lady Cadence.

          "Do you know what time it is?" She hissed, watching me expectantly.

          "Umm..." I snuck a quick glance at the clock, but she interrupted me. "It's two minutes after class started. You are two minutes late."

          "Seriously!" I couldn't believe my ears, but instantly regretted saying it when Lady Cadence towered over me.

          "Two lunch detentions!" She boomed. "One for being late, the other for talking back."

I slunk towards my seat, wondering how in a matter of minutes I had gone from mallowmelt promises, to lunch detention. Today was going to be a long day. 

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